The good thing about having problems is that you learn a lot more about the machine. Pressing on.
Posts made by David_Wells
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@phaedrux - Bought from Spool3d in Calgary Alberta, Canada. I bought this and the slave board.
What puzzled me, is that the SD card is marked 8G, but when formatted only showed 2G of available space. (before files were added), I just checked it again, only a 2 space max. Without sounding snarky, I did not want to cheap out, specifically to avoid problems. I will have a much better understanding of the system, because of this. But...sometimes it is nice to plug it in and have it go.... -
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@fcwilt - Thanks - will press on. appreciated - I understand that it is a great learning process, but it eating up way more time than I anticipated, and I have not even started trying to configure the printers. I am converting two Rigidbots, regular and large, a smaller, but mechanically very nice printer (with terrible software), and eventually a really expensive Roland 3 axis engraver that has had the electronics crater. But to get the first one running.
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@fcwilt - indeed it should have, it did not. What a pain. I would buy another just to get the files, but am afraid that it might come without. I ran the config tool, created the files, put them on the disk, got serial comm going. I would like the wifi connection, but until I can change the default IP address to something that my router can see, I am stalled. It seems like a nice bit of equipment, but pretty frustrating that it was not shipped in a runable condition. I may have to set up an old wifi router to connect to it. I should have ordered the ethernet version and i could easily connect, thanks for your help.
David -
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@phaedrux Further to above - I have been working my way through that - initial problem was there was nothing on the SD card, I was / am using the get started, have been for several weeks. However when it says to do something, it does not, because the drivers etc are missing from the Duet.
I downloaded YAT, no communication, tried all the possible communications many times, downloaded Pronterface, exactly the same problem. Eventually you pointed me to some files, I put them on the SD card, and the status LED started to flash. At this point I got serial communications. A staggering amount of time has goin into, to this point. Duet Web Control does not find it, I expect because of my router setting Now I am trying to figure out how to set the default IP address in the Duet to something that I can communicate with. I have gone through a lot of the DWC manual, but it seems to assume that you can connect, which I can't.
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
Thanks, but my SD card had no files on it, just a couple of empty folders. I have been trying to build the contents of the SD card one bit at a time. Which is why I had such a battle getting the USB communications going. Is there a zip of what should have been the original contents?
David -
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@fcwilt Fredrick - I assume that Duet Web control has to be loaded onto the Duet? I sure can't see how to do that. My preference is to start off basic. Do I assume that the config file is on the SD card? This Duet, came with an essentially blank SD card, so it has taken a bit of messing around to even get the led's blinking.
What I notice with the documentation, is that is seems to assume that you know what you are doing. Unfortunately, I don't. I am reasonably tech competent but my first venture into reprap. Thanks again
David -
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@fcwilt Very cool, thanks, so two points "float" on bearings, and the centre is constrained? May I ask why?
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@fcwilt Fredrick - The mods of the config file seem quite straight forward, Um just one question; Where do I find this config file?
Is there a general guide to these parameters? So I guess 2 questions.
Much appreciated. I have a number of printers, just never had the time / inclination to try and sort them out when they do not perform well. They just go on the pile to be dealt with later. Later has arrived.
David -
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@david_wells I appreciate that, thanks - My concern is that the two sides are quite rigidly connected, I really don't see how the two Z motors could move independently other than very slightly. Are there printers where they could move independently?
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@phaedrux Thanks - Looking at the board layout, it does not look like the Duet 3 mini has two Z sockets wired in series. Or am I wrong? David
RE: Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
@fcwilt Fredrick - Thanks very much. at the moment I have 1 endstop.
Configuration for 2 Z axis motors - Duet 3 mini 5+
I have run through the configuration program, but there does not seem to be a way to specifically configure for 2 z axis motors. My preference is to have them on different drivers. I would appreciate being pointed toward to where to find the info.
David -
RE: Unable to connect to Duet3 Mini 5+ with USB
@phaedrux Thanks: I had been working my way through this, when |I found that I got no response from the Duet. appreciated
RE: Unable to connect to Duet3 Mini 5+ with USB
@phaedrux - Thankyou - it took most of the evening, but I now have the status light flashing, YET will not connect, but Pronterface finds it fine, and I get a response from the Duet. Much appreciated. Now If I can just figure out how to get the WIFI working.
David -
RE: Unable to connect to Duet3 Mini 5+ with USB
@phaedrux When i do a reset, I can only see the System Volume Information, when I look at the SD card directly in my PC, I can see many folders and files, including the SYS folder with the ,UF2 file in it.
My PC can view the SD card, but complains about the format each time. Is it possible that I have a problem with the SD card.
Should I copy it, format, and copy the data back
David -
RE: Unable to connect to Duet3 Mini 5+ with USB
@phaedrux I did as you suggested - DuetBoot appears
There are only 2 files
RE: Unable to connect to Duet3 Mini 5+ with USB
@fcwilt Thanks - there is config.g file, but not much in it:
in the system folder; Default config.g template for DuetPi
; Replace this with a proper configuration file (e.g from; Display initial welcome message
M291 P"Please go to <a href="""" target=""_blank"">this</a> page for further instructions on how to set it up." R"Welcome to your new Duet 3!" S1 T0; Enable network
if {network.interfaces[0].type = "ethernet"}
M552 P0.0.0.0 S1
M552 S1 -
Unable to connect to Duet3 Mini 5+ with USB
I am trying to upgrade my aging 3d printers with Duets. However, i have just spent several hours unable to get the initial serial communication going. I have followed through the procedure, I do get a response from the Duet, but it is not decoding properly. I have tried all the common comm speeds, up to 115200, the port seems right, the most up to date driver installed, tired 2 computers, multiple usb ports. W10. Is there any way to connect through the WIFI, without first having the USB? I do not seem to be able to find the default serial connection settings. Pronterface seems to try, but no luck.
I am open to any suggestions.