I did the autotune but I did not solve the problem … I also narrowed the thread thinking it was the problem. if I connect the pt100 directly to the board I do not have this problem ...

Latest posts made by Dracula36
RE: Problem with Pt100
RE: Problem with Pt100
what are the shielded cables you used? because the temperature is not constant but varies eg between 189 and 194 when imposed 190 degrees. will it be because the cables are not shielded?
RE: Problem with Pt100
I solved. the cable was too double. sorry for the post as it is eliminated?
Problem with Pt100
hello I'm having problems with the pt100 sensor. if I connect the sensor directly to the MAX31865-based daughter boards I have no problems and I can have the right temperature the problem is when the wires are firmly in order to arrive with the sensor to the cartridge, it no longer detects the temperature and marks 2000 degrees. how can I fix it? do I need a special cable? thanks
RE: Move the z over the 0
it turned into home, now i have to adjust z axis. when it's in home position i can't move the axis.
Move the z over the 0
hi what are the commands to move the z axis over the 0? thank you
RE: Duet wifi controlled dbot corexy based
I'm sorry that I have to put in value g31 z ??
RE: Duet wifi controlled dbot corexy based
It has been set that value
[c] G31 Z-0.02 P50
[/c]p50 for a npn probe is correct? When I probe with G30 S-1 it works well … with G32 instead of the dish does not rise up to the nozzle ... as I installed firmware 1.18 beta 1 could be the problem?
RE: Duet wifi controlled dbot corexy based
hi, I have a problem with g32 after running it I will lower the level of 5mm and of the press away from the nozzle … how can I fix this? I not really understand where I'm wrong
RE: Duet wifi controlled dbot corexy based
I solved it by placing more double wires, now works fine. I only have a problem when I hand printing the extruder is too far from the plate.
[[language]] ; homeall file for use with dc42 Duet firmware on CoreXY printers ; This file assumes the endstop switches are at the low end of each axis. ; Reverse the X and Y movement for high-end switches. ; Adjust the bed upper and lower limits in config.g (M208 commands) to get the correct homing positions G91 ; relative mode G1 S1 Z10 G1 S1 X-640 Y-430 F3000 ; course home X or Y G1 S1 X-640 ; course home X G1 S1 Y-430 ; course home Y G1 X4 Y4 F600 ; move away from the endstops G1 S1 X-10 ; fine home X G1 S1 Y-10 ; fine home Y M558 P4 X0 Y0 Z1 I1 G1 S1 Z-640 F500 G1 S1 Z-10 ; If you are using a microswitch for Z homing, insert similar code for the Z axis here, ; but use lower feed rates suitable for your Z axis. G90 ; back to absolute mode ; If you homed the Z axis using an endstop switch, you can insert a G92 command here to correct the height. ; The following code assumes you are using a Z probe to do Z homing. Remove it if you are using a microswitch. ; Adjust the XY coordinates in the following to place the Z probe over a suitable spot, ; preferably near the centre of the bed if your Z probe supports that G1 X260 Y150 F2000 G30 ; This file leaves the head at the zprobe trigger height so that you can slip a piece of paper under it and then do G0 Z0 to check the height. ; If you prefer to send the printer to X0Y0Z0, un-comment the following lines G0 X0 Y0 Z0 ;G91 ;G0 Z0
after running the g30 it goes down and stays away from the extruder and when printing the non-return to zero … how do I fix?