
Thank you Ian,
I will contact Filastruder.

As for motors I will reduce the Amps back to 900, which they originally were since I followed a video from Chris's Basement for original config.g but changed amps due to video age, reprap chart, and ignorance about them running at 100%.

Temp lines are possible I commented wrong lines and didn't save. Since E-stop reboots board it would explain why after the stop it went 2K on thermistors.

It was/is an inductive sensor. The Blue and Brown wire were plugged into always on fan slot for 5v power and black line was plugged into Z-probe in. I followed the instructions on that link initially when I plugged it in as well as other posts here from other people that had the same printer/sensor. It very well could still be a bad sensor I have not ruled that out.