Yep, it was gotten recently from Filastruder. Will contact them.

Latest posts made by Grindar
RE: SD Card contents
RE: SD Card contents
And that's powered by VIN, which the web interface reported at 23.1V while it was working.
RE: SD Card contents
If the WiFi module is getting hot and not just warm, it has probably failed. What's worrying me is the SD card socket getting hot too. If it only gets hot when there is an SD card inserted, that suggests to me too many volts on the +3.3V rail. If it gets hot regardless of whether an SD card is inserted, then I guess it could just be picking up heat from the WiFi module.
My meter shows 3.1V across the 2nd and 4th pin which should be ground and 3.3 looking at the diagram. I suspect the heat in the SD shield might just be ambient spreading from the wifi, since it's right there. It's definitely not quite as hot.
RE: SD Card contents
I'll check with the meter in a bit and post back. The FB group suggested yesterday that I try redoing the firmware. The Wifi firmware seemed to install correctly, the Server firmware failed with the same error as this guy, the comm write error
RE: SD Card contents
OK, have rebuilt the card using the web folders from the firmware and the files from configurator. Board is failing to boot up and the Wifi and SD heat shields are getting hot, even when it's only plugged into USB. M552 is only returning "Wifi is starting", if I try to add access point I just get a failed error message.
Right before it went out I had most of my Hypercube Evolution wired up, was testing motor movement and getting it but backwards, so inverted direction in the config and rebooted once it finished PID tuning hot end, and it never rebooted correctly. The ticking sound is gone with the new SD card, but it's still not apparently booting correctly.
SD Card contents
So I was in the process of wiring and configuring my new Duet, and during a reboot it suddenly stopped responding. Noticed a kind of clicking sound, and when the sd card is ejected it changed speeds. Tried plugging it into laptop, not registering at all as hardware, and I know it's not the reader because other SD cards still work. Pretty sure for whatever reason the card died.
I've got replacements, but is it just the results of the configurator that end up on there? Or is there some other process that I need to go through to set up a new card?
RE: Duet with a small printer
I'm in the middle of finishing up small build printer volume 118x118mm.
For small detailed print ither than obviously small nozzle, you must also have removeable bed and dual extrusion capable of PVA support
I'm satisfied enough with my S3D support settings that a dual extruder is overkill, though I wouldn't rule one out. Especially because I'm thinking Zesty Nimble for the extruder anyway. And I as thinking Buildtak flex sheet for the bed, I've always had good success with it so far. Any build info on your printer? That is right in the size category I want.
RE: Duet with a small printer
The main constraint with a small delta with conventional belt drive is that there isn't room to mount the Duet between the stepper motors. If the stepper motors are at the top as in that design, you could mount it just above the motors, at the cost of a little more overall height. Alternatively, you could mount it just below the top of the frame, then you wouldn't need to increase the height.
This is what I was kind of thinking. Height doesn't bug me so much, I just would rather not have a rat's nest of cable running out over to a control box. Simple to disconnect and move if necessary.
RE: Duet with a small printer
Have you considered using a resin printer? There are some nice projects, using ipad Retina screens, and daylight resins. This is a good alternative for small and detailed parts.
I have. One, it keeps my supply line simple because I already have one FDM printer. Two, I basically already know the tech (I'll have to learn delta geometry if i go that route but not a big deal). And most importantly, 3, I want to build it myself. At the minimum a kit, or from scratch if necessary. And I'm not happy with the resin printers I've seen so far.
Duet with a small printer
This is gonna be kind of an odd question…What's the smallest printer you guys have got a Duet cleanly mounted to (a separate control box is ok)?
For background, I'm finishing up a HEVO, and I'm starting to consider my next printer project, and I'm wanting to do as tiny a printer as possible for printing miniatures, dedicate it with 0.9 steppers and a .2 nozzle, stuff like that. Intentionally keeping the build area somewhere around 100mm^3 or roughly equivalent in delta (call it 110mm diameter or so) if possible, just to keep myself from overloading the bed with that tiny nozzle. Aiming for precision over speed. And I'm aware by the time I'm done, I could have just gotten a small resin printer for similar or better results, this is to try and satisfy curiosity.
For example, I'm looking at this and but I'm not sure how well I could integrate the Duet on that Delta and keep it looking good like that.
So I'm curious if any of you guys have tried going for a small build with a Duet.