In 2016, I bought a Cirqoid CNC milling machine to produce prototype circuit boards. Only 1 month after bought this machine, the manufacturer closed their website and disappeared. I could not get it to work and had other things to do. So it sat in a box for too long. It is build very well. And while looking at the controller it was ahead of its time, unfortunately too far ahead. Here is a video(1) of this wonderful machine. And here a link(2) to the software. And a ,link(3) to the manual. This is not a commercial message! The manufacturer went out of business and I am trying to make it work with Duet3d stuff.
Now I have bought a Duet 3 Mini 5+ and start to upgrade this CNC machine.
There are Magnetic Linear Encoders on this machine. The Osram AS5311(4) High Resolution Linear Encoder are at tiny prints in the machine near the magnetic strips.
On the X axis there is one Nema 14 stepper and one time a Linear Encoder
On the Y axis are two Nema 14 steppers and 2 times Linear Encoders
On the Z axis there is one Nema 14 stepper and one time a Linear Encoder
The AS5311 has SPI and PWM outputs.
The AS5047P is at Your "Duet3D Magnetic Encoder".
Now my questions;
Is it today possible today use the AS5047P chip as a Linear Encoder?.
So NOT at the back of the stepper? I will have to make new PCB's with the AS5047P(5) to be abile to fit into the existing locations on this machine.
Is it possible to add support for the AS5311 to the Duet 3 Expansion 1HCL?
sorry, I may not put the links here.