Hi guys!
Wanted to reach out - I've had an issue with my Modix 60X, which comes standard with the Duet 2 wifi - I've been having increasing problems with the Z motor having low voltage warnings/drive 1 short to ground problems, with a slightly toasted Z stepper plug. I replaced the female plug and all was well, but recently I had the same issue arise with the "Driver 2 Phase B short to ground" pop up, and none of my Z motors work (they make a loud grinding noise and vibrate like they're moving but don't move). When I move any other steppers to the Z plugs, they refuse to work, and the Z motor harness and motors work fine when I move them to the X/Y motor steppers (I've ruled out the harness/motors, the issue is localized to the board).
Would like some guidance and help to see what I can do, or if I need to replace the board.