@droftarts Dear Ian thanks for the timely response, now I understand why I could not correctly configure the tools on the Display. As you suggest I will connect the bed heater to channel E2 so all the heaters will be in sequence on the DUEX5. For the BLTouch I have not found connection schemes recommended to the Probe In connector of the Duet Ethernet and I have read about some problems of compatibility of the timing of the control of this port with the BLTouch. Would it be possible to use the PWM signal of one of these heaters: H0, E0, E1? Where could I connect since there are no specific connectors on the Duet for these PWM channels?
Thanks for reminding me that I made a big mistake by increasing the driving current of the motors in series.
Best posts made by IngPaoloFrancia
RE: Unable to correctly configure througt RRF config Tool
RE: Unable to correctly configure througt RRF config Tool
@infiniteloop Hi, the printer we are making has a print volume of 500mmx500mmx500mm but the external size as you can imagine is much larger (about 0.35 cubic meters). Our target is to print Peek and Carbon Fiber charged polymers for professional application. This is the reason for thermocouples on nozzles , a powerfull Bed heater driven by SSR device, and also water cooling of the extruders. The heating of the printing chamber and its control will be another problem to be solved.
As we say here: we cross our fingers!