@Phaedrux I will try to do so.
I need to reconfig everything for it to make it work for the first time again.
@Phaedrux I will try to do so.
I need to reconfig everything for it to make it work for the first time again.
@Phaedrux No, the endstop not working.
It works at first start after the first config.
M119 shows that the system do see that it functions.
Steps for Z are correct for the pitch.
@chrishamm Here are my files:homez.g homey.g homex.g homeall.g config.g
X and Y axis are fine, just the Z decide not to stop...
I just changed my Maestro to the Mini 5+ for my Core XY machine.
I managed to config everything, but have some problems with Z.
Firmware 3.4.5
Two Z steppers, and one optic endstop.
Checking with M119 shows that the endstop works:
First: Endstops - X: not stopped, Y: not stopped, Z: not stopped, Z probe: at min stop
Than: Endstops - X: not stopped, Y: not stopped, Z: at max stop, Z probe: at min stop
No Z probe.
Config for the two Z's: M584 X0.0 Y0.1 Z0.2:0.4 E0.3
After first config, it works for a while, but than stop to work.
I'm messing around for few days with no results.....
Any ideas??