@fma - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4589432 has both STL and Step files. Let me know if you have any issues. I've not printed them as have the ALU versions from Robotdigg.

Posts made by jim
RE: 6 axis delta 3D printer
RE: 6 axis delta 3D printer
@fma said in 6 axis delta 3D printer:
Kossel vertex and carriage
Hi @fma, I have the basic vertex models for the Robotdigg 2040 corners in Fusion360 format as was taking advantage of lots of quiet-time with lockdown to learn the product. Let me know if any use. Re the comment above on strength of the magballs/arms - I am just working though doubling up to 12-arms as need to support a Nema17 for my Clay extruder, six arms just about worked but would one would occasionally snap off when starting.
Not the cheapest solution, but I wanted the ease of magnetic attachment as need to remove the extruder for cleaning after prints. Should know in next couple of weeks how it goes.
RE: GCode Category Tags
Taking advantage of being locked-down all day; I've been playing further with potential suggestion for the GCode dictionary. The attached link only contains about half and is not polished / complete. But wanted to test/poc potential option (and selfishly I needed to learn capabilities of Github pages for another project).
The filters on the left side-bar allow either filtering by G/M codes, or the second level has groupings by tags. Then the top search allows for standard page searches also. It's not complete, however I will have time over the coming days/weeks to spend more time if it's useful.
pm me if interested/need further info.
RE: GCode Category Tags
Hey @droftarts, l've got some time on my hands at the moment, so I have been doing some playing round re suggestions as per above. One option I have been exploring is using github and markdown for the content and then deploying via the github pages engine. This has the potential of tagging individual pages (although a bit crude) and also concatenating back into a full dictionary if needed for searching. If you are interested i'm happy to share thinking / code.
RE: GCode Category Tags
@droftarts - yes, sorry I wasn't clear.
I understand and have the generated code from the config tool and all good there. The question was specifically around the documentation in the wiki.
Taking the code from above, it has M563 and G10 in the tools section, but what other gcode falls into the same logical section? If the Wiki had some additional meta-data / tags to map back it would be great. e.g. I want to add in M568 for mixing I know to add to the 'tools' section.
I guess my specific ask is can the wiki be updated to tag commands like M563, G10, M568 with 'tools' or similar logical group?
RE: GCode Category Tags
Hey Ian, Thanks for quick response.
I was asking more around tagging gcodes with a category. e.g. M566, M203, M201 all have a the same tags as relate to motion functions.
This was I can organise my config files and can easily work identify commands that might change as I hack with my build.
If I look at the Marlin docs (https://marlinfw.org/meta/gcode/) they have a tag next to values (motion, nozzle, calibration, etc ).
GCode Category Tags
A feature/documentation request. Would it be possible to get tags/categories assigned to the gcode documentation for Duet (similar to what Marlin do).
This will help optionally format, structure and with validation of config files (and I seem to have OCD with my code structure). But more importantly help with requests and/or learning - i.e rather than look at complete config.g, can you share the 'motion' settings.
Reason I ask is that I've recently ripped up my config as converting from plastic to clay printing, I've spent hours going back checking / updating the files and they soon start to get very messy very quick.
M906 E2000,1200 I60 ; CALIBRATION Set motor currents (mA) and increase motor idle current to 60% M566 E1200:1200 ; MOTION Maximum instant speed changes M203 E1200:1200 ; MOTION maximum speeds mm/minute M201 E1000:1000 ; MOTION Accelerations (mm/s^2) M140 H-1 ; THERMAL Disable heated bed
RE: iOS App
@patakopecek - this is something I have been playing with as a background project to learn iOS programming. My goal was to replicate the look and feel of the paneldue display as an app.
Motivation is threefold, one I don’t want to pay £50+ for the display when I can use the DWC (with inconveniences as my PC is never near my printer) , two - I have lots of old iPhones lying round and. Three I was interested to see how hard it is to write an app
It’s slow going as I can’t allocate any time to it (also building a new Delats printer and that is more fun). I’ll post photos once I can move it forward to a prototype.
RE: RepRapFirmware 2.0beta1 available
@dc42 , @timcurtis67
Hi Tim,
I had the same not authorised error. I reset my Duet password back to the original and it worked OK. Not sure if this is the same issue, but fixed my upload issues with beta-1