@Tony: Thanks, multiplexing is the word I was missing. I immediately found one method using a 8 relay module to control 6 steppers using to drivers.
Schematic and Code: http://www.marlinkimbra.it/?p=698
Automationtechnologiesinc 8 relay module: https://www.automationtechnologiesinc.com/products-page/cnc-parts/8-channel-dc-5v-relay-module-arduino-raspberry-pi-dsp-avr-pic-arm/
At $10.00 US a piece, at first glance would appear to be the ideal solution for the steppers heaters and pt100's. Though I am not sure if there is enough io (duetwifi with duex5) to call each individual relay or if there are any other limitations that are escaping my notice.
Would relays solve it?
The Prusa solution uses the y-splitters right?
If I understand correctly it would reduce the number of Kraken's but would increase time to switch to a different color depending on how far away the extruder/y-assemblies are. Is their circuit schematic open? I would like to see how the mosfets are used in their solution.
I do have have 4 Krakens with 2 rails on a single gantry, each rail with 2 bearing blocks… 1 kraken per bearing block, but with enough room (I think) for 2 krakens per bearing block.
The concept was to have them individually moveable and using only 1 nozzle at a time during a single print. But being able to switch to a different nozzle/color during that same print.
My mind turns to mud when trying to hold the idea of 4 independent krakens printing at the same time.
What are the challenges and benefits of that configuration during a single print?
If it helps reduce print time I am all for it.