Thanks again. I will try.

Posts made by lucagirolamo
RE: Power screw terminal loose from the pcb
RE: Power screw terminal loose from the pcb
I cannot preheat the board since I have not the right tools. But I can regulate the soldering iron temperature. What temperature do you suggest is good to do this task? 350 C maybe?
RE: Power screw terminal loose from the pcb
Ok, I have a Hakko FX-888D that I never really used, I think this is the right time to do so
Thank you all for your help -
RE: Power screw terminal loose from the pcb
I purchased it from an authorized Italian retailer (
I bought it long ago so out of warranty now.
From picture you cannot see the problem because you have to “feel” it under your fingers.
The appearance is perfect, just this little “gap” when you try to move the green terminal.
As I told, It is due to excess torque in screwing the terminal multiple times, not to a fabrication defect, so entirely my fault.
Just wandering if I could run this way or do something. -
Power screw terminal loose from the pcb
Hi guys, I have a little concern about my duet wifi board.
I noticed that the power screw terminal is not steady but it moves a bit if I touch it.
I can feel the connectors on the pcb being a bit “loose”.
I think it is due to the many times I screw and unscrew it reworking on the wiring on my printer.
But my questions are:
Is that dangerous?
Should I replace those?
Or could I just use the soldering iron to “re-melt” the soldering joint?Thank you for your help.
Luca -
RE: Duet to move a 3 DOF robot
I am sorry, the endstops for the 2 arms are under the base of the robot, so I could see them first.
RE: Duet to move a 3 DOF robot
no, there are not endstops. I have to figure out by myself. But why is that important? I mean, I know the importance of the endstops, but why asking me in this early stage of the project? is there a particular/important reason that I missed?
Luca -
Duet to move a 3 DOF robot
Hi everybody,
I liked so much the duet with my prusa prnter that I thought it would be a great controller also for my new project: a robot arm.
I am going to buy just the frame on aliexpress (see attached image). The mechanism is like the famous uArm or Dobot.
My question is: could I use the Duet in order to move the robot?Is there a firmware somewhere that you know I might use? Or you have some materials to start with?
Thanks for the reply.
Luca -
Connection issue to Duet wifi
hi everybody,
I am facing a connection issue. Basically, when I try to connect to my printer via Web browser (I tried all of them and on different devices: iphone, mac, windows etc) most of the time it does not connect to it, showing me the classical message (see attached image).
I don't understand why is that happening.
My question is: is there a particular thing to do in order to make the connection stable?Thanks
Not Much Power Reserve on Power Failure
Hi all,
I have a question regarding the "recovery mode" after a power outage.
I use a Meanwell RSP 500w 24v power supply to power my prusa printer. I followed the documentation to set up this feature in the firmware.
My problem is that when the actual power outage occurs, the z axis does not lift and the extruder does not retract.
It seems that I have not much "power reserve".
How could I do to overcame this? Using an ups, as suggested by others, does not seem to be a good choice since the Duet would not see the power failure anyway.Thanks for your help
Luca -
RE: Stepper Motors make noise but don’t move
I understand, maybe I will continue with my motors since it’s actually not very bad. I’ll rather put this money on other tangible improvements.
Thank you very much for your time and for developing such a great board/firmware like the duet!Many thanks
Luca -
RE: Stepper Motors make noise but don’t move
I use 24v. So, do you think that by using a motor with similar specs but with a lower phase inductance of, let’s say, 2.8mh, the noise will reduce?
Luca -
RE: Stepper Motors make noise but don’t move
Finally i got it right. Actually It was right from the beginning but since I was hearing the whine noise coming from the stepper motors I thought something was upset. But by searching online I realised that it is just “normal”.
The point is that I am coming from a dead silent Rumba with tmc2228 and I was not expecting all this noise from a duet with tmc2660.
I tweak a bit the TOFF prameter as suggested by others but it made a very little difference.
The printer is printing good and comparing to the rumba it seems to be more “consistent “. However the printer now is far from being silent...
Finally I read that this noise is due to the high phase inductance of my stepper motor: 8.4mH.
Could anyone confirm this?
And, are your motors whining and scratching like mine?Many thanks
Luca -
Stepper Motors make noise but don’t move
Hi all,
I just set up my brand new duet 2 wifi to be use with my cartesian 3d printer.
My problem is that if I move the motors through the “machine control” panel (after disabling the homing safety) they make a sound but don’t actually move. And this sound is forever or until I reset the board.
How is this possible?
Anyone’s got a similas problem/solution?Thanks