@ma3d said in Duet2 wifi + Duex5 with Nema34 Stepper Motor Driver:

-solder cable/pin to step, dir, en of chosen output and connect them to step, dir, en of my external driver.

This depends on the version of the Duex you have. If you have v0.11 (which has been the current version for at least a year), there are 5 pin headers for the external drivers to connect to. On the v0.10 and earlier, yes, you need to solder something to the vias. I'd tend to use a Molex pin header.

Will I get +step, + dr + en from those pins on duex? Do I have to use common ground for -step, -dir - en? Or is it just the opposite? Also is there a way of getting 5V signal to my external driver?

Yes, I think you get +step, + dr + en from the pins, with a common ground. Though if you are going to leave the board in Duex5 mode, you can't use the enable pin, so the stepper driver will just have to be enabled from power up. The signal is 3.3V, so if your external driver needs 5V, you need to level shift the signal to 5V. A non-inverting 74HCT series gate or buffer such as 74HCT08 can be used to do this. Much easier to choose a driver that accepts 3.3V input!
