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Posts made by makerdise
RE: Error: over Temperature shutdown reported
RE: Error: over Temperature shutdown reported
@hanzn44 - can you please give us your email address by PN or write down your order number here that we can identify you...?
RE: IR Probe broken?
@dc42 @pedrinid - Ok, we will send out a new as a replacement, it doesn't make sense to return the old as the shipping costs are to high.
RE: U3 "A4403" dead
Sorry @SW - your mails were declared as spam.
RE: Strange Wifi Problems
@dc42 - OK... Any tests to verify this?
RE: Strange Wifi Problems
After reinstalling the wifi server by copying the files on the SD Card localy, sending M997 S1 over the PanelDue results in testing baudrautes but doesn't give any other messages.
After booting the wifi up again, the following config leads to the error "Failed to retrieve network list"
; Network
M550 P"HyperCubeRevo" ; Set machine name
M587 S"ctdbox" P"#XXXXXXXXXX" I192.168.200.161 J192.168.200.1 K255.255.255.0 ; Configure access point. You can delete this line once connected
M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP
M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP
M586 P2 S0 ; Disable TelnetM115
Strange Wifi Problems
one of our clients got strange Wifi problems with a Duet 1.04a board running on FW 2.02. It is not possible to get the Wifi running or to include it to the excisting WLAN. We also tried to bring it up as an access point without success.
Example I, config.g
M550 P"HyperCubeRevolution" ; Set machine name
M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP
M552 S2 ; Enable network
M589 S"MEINDUET" P"MEINWIFI" I192.168.100.250; ; Duet als AP starten
M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP
M586 P2 S0 ; Disable TelnetResults in
Error: M589: Failed to retrieve own SSID dataAdding to existing Wlan
M587 S"ctdbox" P"#XXXXXXXXXX" I192.168.200.161 J192.168.200.1 K255.255.255.0
M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list -
RE: Failure
@dc42 - Hello again
We replaced the board and finaly received the broken with a clear blister mark on U2
I think I know what did happen.
Jan -
RE: Failure
Update: The customer informed us a few minutes ago, that he's working with the original Anet A8 board again, without having failures. He also did measure all cables and detected no cable breaks.
one of our customers who purchased a Duet Wifi 1.04 (in november 2018) did contact us cause his board doesn't work anymore. We asked him how this happened and if it ever worked. Here are the facts he wrote us:
- Did work normal after delivery, so no case of damage through shipping
- Used as a replacement for the Anet A8 board
- Started a print, after one hour the print was interrupted by itself...
- From this point no connection to the board is possible
- The 3.3V circuit seems to be broken!
- We asked the customer to measure if there's a short circuit between the heaters cartridge and the thermistor, but he didn't measure it
- I did talked to Roland, he redirect me to the forum
Here's an image with only USB connected...
Our first intention was that some faulty cable did create a short in the 3.3V circuit. We all know about the quality of the A8, especially the low quality electronics.
Should we replace the board @T3P3Tony?
Jan -
RE: Broken...
@T3P3Tony - it can't be the SD Card as the customer did test various (he owns 3 ethernets).
Replace or not? I already talked to Roland yesterday, he did point us to the forum in this case. -
RE: Broken...
@T3P3Tony - FB procedure #3 didn't work when the customer tried it... We will try it ourself on a *nix system in console mode. Anyway, it's not logical that during heatup the SD Card did burn itself blindsided. From my current knowledge, there has to be a short between 3.3V circuit and the only Endstop (it's a 3 wire endstop!!!).
RE: Broken...
@T3P3Tony - thanks! The client did try another SDcard from one of his boards without success.
RE: Broken...
Hi @T3P3Tony
thanks for joining the discussion. It is on the way to our warehouse... I will analyze it as soon as it reaches our place.
The customer did told me that the SD card is getting hot - I never heard that before. -
one of our customers did call us today, cause 1 of his 3 Duet Ethernets he bought in may 2018 (1.0.3) is broken. According to him, he did nothing than heatup before a print when the Ethernet did drop the connection itself. For now, we need some more expertise @dc42 etc. to analyze what did happen.
- All led's are on
- Board is recognized as usb device but unreachable through pronterface
- U11 IC seems to be ok
- He's using a SSR/ 230v heated bed!
- According to the customer, there's only one endstop in the 3.3v rail
Jan from