So I have created a solution for this which will work on the V-core3 but should also work on any other printers
What I've done is create a separate macro for it so you can leave your mesh.g as is to allow you to also probe the entire bed if you want to.
The macro will change the probing settings and restore them after having done so.
To start off create a new file called print_area_mesh.g
and paste the following in the newly created file
; This command will only create a mesh of the print area
; This will reduce the printing time considerably by only probing what is needed
var deviationFromOriginal = 20
var probeGridMinX = move.compensation.probeGrid.mins[0]
var probeGridMaxX = move.compensation.probeGrid.maxs[0]
var probeGridMinY = move.compensation.probeGrid.mins[1]
var probeGridMaxY = move.compensation.probeGrid.maxs[1]
var pamMinX = {var.probeGridMinX} ; Default the pamMinX value to the min x that is set for the mesh in M557. Originally coming from sys/printer_size_config.g
var pamMaxX = {var.probeGridMaxX} ; Default the pamMaxX value to the min x that is set for the mesh in M557. Originally coming from sys/printer_size_config.g
var pamMinY = {var.probeGridMinY} ; Default the pamMinY value to the min x that is set for the mesh in M557. Originally coming from sys/printer_size_config.g
var pamMaxY = {var.probeGridMaxY} ; Default the pamMaxY value to the min x that is set for the mesh in M557. Originally coming from sys/printer_size_config.g
var meshSpacing = {move.compensation.probeGrid.spacings[0]} ; Grabbing the spacing of the current M557 settings
var minMeshPoints = 3 ; The minimal amount of probing points for both X & Y.
var maxMeshPoints = 10 ; The max amount of probing points for both X & Y
if exists(param.A)
set var.pamMinX = {param.A} ; The min X position of the print job
if exists(param.B)
set var.pamMaxX = {param.B} ; The max X position of the print job
if exists(param.C)
set var.pamMinY = {param.C} ; The min Y position of the print job
if exists(param.D)
set var.pamMaxY = {param.D} ; The max Y position of the print job
if (var.probeGridMinX + var.deviationFromOriginal) >= var.pamMinX ; Check if the difference between the min X and the print job min X is smaller than the set deviation
set var.pamMinX = {var.probeGridMinX} ; The difference is smaller than the set deviation so set minX to the minimal of the printer's X
if (var.probeGridMaxX - var.deviationFromOriginal) <= var.pamMaxX ; Check if the difference between the max X and the print job max X is smaller than the set devation
set var.pamMaxX = {var.probeGridMaxX} ; The difference is smaller than the set devation so set maxX to the max of the printer's X
if (var.probeGridMinY + var.deviationFromOriginal) >= var.pamMinY ; Check if the difference between the min Y and the print job min Y is smaller than the set devation
set var.pamMinY = {var.probeGridMinY} ; the difference is smaller than the set devation so set minY to the minimal of the printer's Y
if (var.probeGridMaxY - var.deviationFromOriginal) <= var.pamMaxY ; Check if the difference between the max X and the print job max X is smaller than the set devation
set var.pamMaxY = {var.probeGridMaxY} ; The difference is smaller than the set devation so set maxY to the max of the printer's Y
var meshX = floor(min(var.maxMeshPoints - 1, (max(var.minMeshPoints - 1, (var.pamMaxX - var.pamMinX) / var.meshSpacing) + 1))) ; Get the number of probes for X taking minMeshPoints and maxMeshPoints into account
var meshY = floor(min(var.maxMeshPoints - 1, (max(var.minMeshPoints - 1, (var.pamMaxY - var.pamMinY) / var.meshSpacing) + 1))) ; Get the number of probes for Y taking minMeshPoints and maxMeshPoints into account
var consoleMessage = "Set probe grid to use X-min: " ^ var.pamMinX ^ "; X-max: " ^ var.pamMaxX ^ "; Y-min: " ^ var.pamMinY ^ "; Y-max: " ^ var.pamMaxY "; Probing points: " ^ var.meshX ^ ";" ^ var.meshY ; Set the console message
M118 P2 S{var.consoleMessage} ; send used probe grid to paneldue
M118 P3 S{var.consoleMessage} ; send average to DWC console
M557 X{var.pamMinX, var.pamMaxX} Y{var.pamMinY, var.pamMaxY} P{var.meshX, var.meshY} ; Set the probing mesh
G0 X{var.pamMinX + ((var.pamMaxX - var.pamMinX)/2) - sensors.probes[0].offsets[0]} Y{var.pamMinY + ((var.pamMaxY - var.pamMinY)/2) - sensors.probes[0].offsets[1]} ; Move to the center of the print area
G30 ; Set the z height for the center of the print area
G29 ; Probe the print area
; Restore the probing mesh to the original settings
set var.meshX = floor((var.probeGridMaxX - var.probeGridMinX) / var.meshSpacing + 1)
set var.meshY = floor((var.probeGridMaxY - var.probeGridMinY) / var.meshSpacing + 1)
M557 X{var.probeGridMinX, var.probeGridMaxX} Y{var.probeGridMinY, var.probeGridMaxY} P{var.meshX, var.meshY}
The script has a few things you could change if you wanted to like the minimum&maximum probe points to use and when it should just probe the entire bed or when it should probe the specified print area. this is what the deviationFromOriginal
variable is for
Now on to how to use it.
in your slicer find the custom g-code section and specifically the custom print start g-code section.
In there make the following changes (based on slicer you are using) IMPORTANT, remove any G29 calls by replacing it with the command below
M98 P"sys/print_area_mesh.g" A{first_layer_print_min[0]} B{first_layer_print_max[0]} C{first_layer_print_min[1]} D{first_layer_print_max[1]}
M98 P"sys/print_area_mesh.g" A{print_pos_min_x} B{print_pos_max_x} C{print_pos_min_y} D{print_pos_max_y}
M98 P"sys/print_area_mesh.g" A%MINX% B%MAXX% C%MINY% D%MAXY%
To make cura work some additional steps are needed which can be found in the repo here:
in general any updates I'll make can be found in the repo
EDIT: 16-11-22
Updated the script a bit. changes:
- Removed echo's and opted for M118 instead
- Probing center of print area before creating mesh