@jay_s_uk Thanks a lot. Doing it as soon as the current job finishes. I will report back.

Best posts made by misan
RE: Web interface rejected my connection attempts
RE: OMG (aka Nema42) External Stepper Driver DM2722a question
I did not do the wiring.
But it seems the person who did it thought it was a good idea to put a couple of strands of wire to each one of the minus (-) inputs of the driver.
I guess they expected that to be GND, but they did not do the same in all the driver's wires.
So I am guessing the regular symmetric drive of the breakout board can work after we stop shooting in the foot.
Tool-change end-stop?
For a tool-change device, I need to move Y-axis towards the tool-change location till an end-stop is triggered. That end-stop is not Y-axis end-stop but an additional one.
How can I achieve that? Let us assume that the additional end-stop belongs to U-axis.
A solution, ideally, should not change Y axis location information for future moves (so machine does not need to be homed in Y-axis after completing this move).
I am using version 2.05 but I guess I could upgrade my Duet 2 Wifi to a newer version if needed.
Thanks a lot,
RE: OMG (aka Nema42) External Stepper Driver DM2722a question
@dc42 I am glad to report the Duet breakout board works nicely with this driver. All the trouble was due to incorrect wiring.
RE: Tool-change end-stop?
Y-axis has its own end-stop for homing purposes.
But when Y-axis moves to "dock" the tool changer there is another end-stop involved (the input I am planning to use is U-axis end-stop, but I could use any other input if better).
Y-axis homing works as expected, and each time a tool change I have to send the Y-axis back (at a certain X location) so it will engage with the tool changer. I am backing the Y-axis for that purpose until the carriage "contacts" with a special end-stop for that only purpose.
One approach that seems possible is to change config as if now the Y-axis has to use this new end-stop and then to do a homey.g, but that approach would alter the Y-axis coordinates (nothing that could be fixed) doing a new (and now proper) home of Y-axis now using the real Y-axis end-stop (at a different X-location so I am not knocking down the tool-change mechanism).
But I wonder if there is another way to achieve a similar result that would not alter the Y-axis origin of coordinates.
Thanks a lot,
P.S: drawing is coming soon -
RE: Dual head machine
@jay_s_uk Wow, you read my mind then
I am going to learn all about it. Thanks a lot!
RE: Tool-change end-stop?
Here you have a picture of the setup. Both X and Y axes have end-stops for homing purposes.
A third end-stop is located in the tool changer in a way that detects when the carriage bumps into it (due to tolerances and the need of some contact force the Y coordinate may change from one operation to the next one, thus the need of an end-stop here instead of using a pre-determined fixed Y coordinate for that move).
@dc42 I see the usefulness of H4 option (it does the homing move without affecting the origin, which is what I needed). But, I guess I need to temporarily change Y-axis home end-stop source for that coupling move. How can I do that?
Thanks a lot,
Oops, my edit is being flagged as spam, maybe I attempted too many edits after the post (just trying to fix the typos
RE: Duet3 6HC with additional external driver
@T3P3Tony I would have already bought a Duet 3 Expansion 1XD board if it were for me. Unfortunately, it is for a research project with EU funding. Life is too short to go through the pain they cause us to validate orders from suppliers abroad.
Before asking, I saw the question was answered on the forum, but I insisted in case there was some "not recommended" but workable solution. Once this is off the table, I will bump up the VIN voltage to 48V and use one of the 6HC built-in drivers for the pellet extruder.
As usual, thank you guys for a quick and informative answer.