@Phaedrux that's a quite likely cause. I didn't have a part fan for a good while and I added one more or less at the same time this started to happen. I had a silicon sock on, but I took a quick look and it has a big hole in the side, next to where the parts fan blows.
Actually, I have to upgrade the part fan to a more powerful one I bought. I will upgrade it and have it blowing at full speed, if that's the cause then the problem will show up more often. Thank you!

Latest posts made by mscarpentier
RE: Tool stops being active half way the print
RE: Tool stops being active half way the print
I think you're right, I remember reading something related to a heater fault in the console. I will pay more attention the next time the issue appears. Why do you think that it could happen?
Tool stops being active half way the print
I'm experiencing an odd behaviour with my Duet WiFi 1.02 Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 2.05.1 (2020-02-09b1).
I have dual extruders but I print with only one of them most of the times. I slice with Simplify3D.
Sometimes the tool is "deactivated" mid print so the printer keeps working with no tool selected. I get errors in the console but as you can expect, no plastic is extruded and the entire thing fails.
I know is not the slicer because I re tried the same file and it completes. It happens randomly and not often, but when it happens, it might ruin a 20hs print.
I experienced it for the first time when I upgraded to RepRapFirmware 3. It was happening quite often so I downgraded back to stable version 2. Now it happens still though more sporadically. Ideally, it would not happen at all. I wonder if anybody experienced/resolved a similar problem before.Thanks!