that was my mistake, i thought is was a pwm fan because it has 4 wires, but it turns out to be a normal dc fan.
It works as intended by connecting the red and yellow to the + and the black to the - and leave the white one unconnected.

Posts made by Phil_AE
RE: Cooling Fan for the Electronic
RE: Cooling Fan for the Electronic
thank you very much
edit: does not work, i start to wonder if there is something wrong with the fan
edit2: my fault, it has 4 pins, but you can control it with the voltage combine +red/yellow and -black,
then i can just use a voltage between 7 and 24v... -
Cooling Fan for the Electronic
Hello Everybody,
i wanted to use an fan to cool my electronics with an fan, it works but is way to powerfull (24V 1.1A),
so i am trying to control it via PWM (4pol fan)current connection: +red and -black connected to always on fan, and pwm yellow to + of Fan 2 on DuetWifi (white one is not in use)
tried different configurations but can not get the fan to slow down
(if i unplug the yellow it stops, but cannot get it to stop or slow down using g-code or the slider in the machine control)any ideas what to change?
RE: Info leds…. it's possible?
thank you have it working, switching on/off the colors using M106 Px I1 or i0,
added some lines to the code in cura to turn on all colors when start printing und turn off blue and red when finished (green light indicated print finished)but i am looking for initial heating but cant find it in the config.g over the system editor.
can you tell me where to find the code for the initial heating?
thank you
RE: Info leds…. it's possible?
when using LED stripes they are controlled with ground (+12V, R, G, B)
are there any pins i can use to switch ground on/off with a G command?
I have the duetwifi+duet5xas i under stand i have to use
M106 P3 I-1 ; disable Fan on duet5x
M106 P4 I-1 ; disable Fan on duet5x
M106 P5 I-1 ; disable Fan on duet5xdoes it switches ground to or just the + pin?
RE: Problems with WLan after emergency stop
can i turn the automatic off, i use an dedicated network for my printers
in the gcode i have:
M587 S"AEPRINT" P"AUDIOEXCLUSIV" I192.168.10.3 J192.168.10.1 K255.255.255.0
i want it to connect only to this one.
Problems with WLan after emergency stop
Hello Fellows,
i have a big problem and running out of ideas.
After i hit the emergency button on my display it tries to reconnect to an older network.
I tried to change it with the laptop via USB (YAT) using the M578 command, but it does not help,
also i tried to change it in the gcode files on the sd card (sys/config.g , sys/config.g.bak and gcode/config.g)
i cant change it with the display because the is no " on the keypad...
maybe someone has an idea how to fix it without erasing the entire firmware.
thank you
RE: Cartistian boxed IDEX Printer (WIP)
i just wanted to give a quick update, everything moves fine right now, but i could noch test ist because i dont have the tubing adapters for my chimera aqua and e3d keeps telling me it will be availible next week (for the last month)
i dipped the idex and built a 2nd printer in the enclosure (420x420x300mm) to run the 2nd chimera aqua.
RE: CubePRO DuetWifi + Chimera hot end
the heaters are for the heatbed (300x300mm, the heatbed itself is 610x930x6mm Aluminium), i picked 6 so i can heat the entire heatbed or just parts of it, when printing smaller. I will check the chamber temps with just the heatbed running.
I havent really thought about the filament getting soft, i might have to run some test when warm is to warmmost of the pieces missing for my printer should arrive next week so i can run the first test.
thanks for your input
RE: CubePRO DuetWifi + Chimera hot end
sounds interesting, i will run e pretty simular setup (2x water cooled chimera (one v6 hotend and one with vulcano hot ends)
what chamber temps do you run?
my goal is to reach about 100-110°C in the chamber,
but i am not sure how to properly set up the chamber heating system.
i have 6 silicon heaters 30x30cm with 750W each,
still have to figure out how to control them so they dont start heating on full power
when heating up or it will propably blow my fuse (standart is 16A 220V)Phil
RE: Cartistian boxed IDEX Printer (WIP)
so built is starting to take shape, i currently ordering the missing pieces and doing some progress on the enclosure, the small stuff really adds up and there are always small thinks that i miss.
Cartistian boxed IDEX Printer (WIP)
Hello everybody,
I started with 3d printing with an Anet A8, after some Modifications the Prints are quite good but i am running into trouble with the small print area.
After looking around for the "perfect" printer for my needs (and budget), my needs:
1. Printbed at least 500mmx500mm
2. Multiextrusion ASA and PVAwell thats basicly all i need but it turned out to be rather difficult to find or quite expensive, so i started to plan my own 3d printer.
1. needs to fit through the door (max 75cm width)
2. Budget 2500$ (might not get all features from the start)So i basicly started to built the printer the way i thought it would work out, after a couple of design changes thats the state it is currently in:
overall size: L1050mm W720 H1000mm
Z-Axis: 4linear rails MGN12+ 4x TR8*1 leadscrew, driven by an nema23 57HM51 (0.9°) stepper motor (or 2 if it is not enough)
Y-Axis: 2linear rails MGN12+ 9mm GT2 belt (on both sides, connected with an 8mm rod), driven nema23 57HM51
X-Axis: 2x 1linear rail MGN12+ 9mm GT2 belt, driven by nema 17 42HM40 (0.9°) stepper motor.
the rails are on opposing sides of the 2020 extrusion so both can travel the complete length of the x-axisplaned:
Electronics: duetwifi+duex5+sensorboards+duepanel integrated and filamentsensors
Heatbed: 6x 300x300mm 750Watt Siliconheater+ Standalone Controller for each heater
heated Chamber: somehow i need to heat the chamber, i will see if the large heatbed is enoughto heat the chamber or if i have to add a seperate heater)
Hotend: 2x e3d Chimera watercooled
Extruder: 4x zesty Nimble
I hope to have everything running around june
PS: spools/steppermotors and electronics getting there one compartment on top of the printer
I hope everything works out as i planned, exspecially the software, i am more an hardware guy, rather then a programmer…