SOLVED!!! Found the failure... overseen, that i changed with M307 also P0 and P1.... canceled the two lines and now working like a charme!
Posts made by PMJ
RE: PT100 Sensor Daughterboard
RE: PT100 Sensor Daughterboard
@veti yes I'm aware of this, anyway thanks for the input
RE: PT100 Sensor Daughterboard
now I've found time again to solve the PT100 issue. Still the same situation showing up 2000C... All double checked again and went through all forum.
Firmware: Just updated today from 2.02 to 2.03 latest RC => no change
config.g attached (without some details)
P0 => general temperature measurement up to 80°C (2-wire, with conbectors on X205)
P1 => Heatbed sensor (4-wire, without connectors on X204) -
RE: PT100 Sensor Daughterboard
When resending all seems to be fine. In webinterface it is green and i my console I get an OK.
RE: PT100 Sensor Daughterboard
No, nothing connected on that interfaces. Actually only the Mini USB and Ethernet. Mini USB is for receiving G Codes and ethernet only for maintenance reasons...
PT100 Sensor Daughterboard
Duet Ethernet
Daughterboard PT100 connected on Duex5 (but also tried on Duet itself)
Channel 1: 2 wire PT100 with jumpers installed
Channel 2 4 wire PT100 without jumpersBoth sensors measure 108.9 ohm
Changed in config.g
M305 P0 X204
M305 P1 X205Also tried with 100 ohm resistor (with jumpers) on both channels.
Also gave a try to do it on Duet mainboard with X200/X201All with the same result: 2000°C...
Also tried two brand new PT100 daughterboards (V1.1) - nothing changed...
Any ideas???
RE: M42 Command Problem - All ports switching simultanously
Working pefect! Definetly solved! Thanks
RE: M42 Command Problem - All ports switching simultanously
so you are switching the "minus" on the board, correct? we bridged it because we do have a valve isle with a common ground. now the lucky thing is, that the valves mounted are in a "unpolar" execution, so we can wire it that it will be correct... don't worry about the diodes shown in schematics, already mounted them the correct way
RE: M42 Command Problem - All ports switching simultanously
The valves are connected with a common ground (24V). Here the schematics and a picture. When I send the command M42 P2 S255 all onboard LED are going on and the valves are acting.
RE: M42 Command Problem - All ports switching simultanously
Not working with conifg-overwrite.g file yet, so there is no such file. Sent commands via YAT directly. Planned is to code it directly into config.g file as soon as it will work.
M42 Command Problem - All ports switching simultanously
I'm using on the Duex5 all heaters with M307 H2 A-1 C-1 D-1 to steer valves etc. (incl. flyback diodes). After running M307 the P2 - P7 are available. Then the strange things happens. Whatever M42 command I prompt (M42 P2 S255, M42 P3 S255,...) all heater outputs come on and off together. Did I miss something?Cheerz for any input.