I have cleverly put 24V into the external +5V supply on my Duet 2 wifi 1.04c while also connected to my duex5.
U11 has dramatically popped, I replaced the Duet Wifi with another I had and it also appears to have killed my SD card which no longer works and also the Duex5 which has all the heater LEDS stuck on.
I was going to replace U11 and I will probably replace U2 at the same time since it says 6V max even though I cant see any physical damage.
I was really hoping it just took out U11 & U2 but since the SD card is dead maybe it got onto the 3.3V supply too.
Is it likely the damage stopped on the 5V supply or am I wasting my time trying to repair it? I imagine if it jumped onto the 3.3V it wouldn't be worth trying to fix?.