Those course screws could be the problem as you need a lot more torque than with a finer lead. However, try 20 for your acceleration (M201) and jerk (M566) settings and 300 for your maximum speed (M203).
BTW, with that lead on your screws don't use layer heights that are uneven numbers. Assuming you are using 16X micro stepping, then 400 steps per mm equate to 25 full steps per mm so 0.1mm would be 2.5 full steps and therefore you would be relying on micro stepping for positional accuracy. A layer height of 0.2 mm would be 5 full steps which is OK but 0.3 mm would be 7.5 full steps which is not good whilst 0.4mm would be 10 full steps which again, is OK.
Those multi start screws that many people think area good idea are one of my pet hates. Personally I'd ditch them and replace them with 0.2 or 0.1 mm lead single start screws which would cure all your problems as well as improving the positional accuracy. I did a little write up on my blog explaining why