Any chance this could be adapted for CNC milling,so instead of adding material, it works on removing material

Latest posts made by Sp00kie13
RE: 3D GCode Viewer integrated with DWC
Cnc pendant
Hi all
I’m currently working on a pendant for my workbee but I’m having trouble understanding the wiring from the website [](link url)
Do I need to cut and solder the wires from the Pendant (I have the pendant from Banggood listed on this page) to the nano pro and then solder an Extra cable to connect to the PanelDue port?
RE: Pwm output on Fan 0
Yes I have tried the fan in the always on terminals
RE: Pwm output on Fan 0
@droftarts the firmware is
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.03 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2019-06-13b2Config.g
; Configuration file for Duet
; executed by the firmware on start-up
; WorkBee Firmware Version 1.0.7; Configure Connection - ENABLE ONLY ONE OF THE BELOW THREE
M552 S1 ; Enable Wifi Network
;M552 S2 ; Enable Access Point Mode
;M552 S1 P192.168.0.15 ; Enable Ethernet - Change IP Address to suit; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; ANY ADDITIONAL SETTINGS SHOULD BE PUT IN customconfig.g; General preferences
M453 ; Put the machine into CNC Modes
M550 PWorkBee CNC Machine ; Set machine name
G90 ; Set absolute coordinates; Network
M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP
M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP
M586 P2 S0 ; Disable Telnet; Configure Drives
M569 P0 S0 ; Drive 0 goes forwards
M569 P1 S1 ; Drive 1 goes forwards
M569 P2 S0 ; Drive 2 goes forwards
M569 P3 S1 ; Drive 3 goes forwards
M584 X0 Y1:3 Z2 ; Apply drive mapping to axes; Configure Axes
M92 X398.073 Y401.541 Z400 ; Set steps per mm
M350 X16 Y16 Z16 I1 ; Configure microstepping
M566 X500 Y500 Z500 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 X2500 Y2500 Z2500 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 X150 Y150 Z150 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2)
M906 X2400 Y2400 Z2400 I100 ; Set motor currents (mA); Configure Axis Limits
M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; Set axis minima
M208 X304 Y760 Z80 S0 ; Set axis maxima; Configure Endstops
M574 X2 Y2 Z2 S1 ; Set active low endstops; Other Settings
M140 H-1 ; Disable heated bed
M564 S0 H0 ; Disable jog commands when not homed
M911 S21.0 R23 P"G91 G1 Z3 F1000" ; Configure power loss resume
M501 ; Load Stored Parameters
M98 Pcustomconfig.g ; Execute custom config settings -
RE: Pwm output on Fan 0
@droftarts said in Pwm output on Fan 0:
@Sp00kie13 please post your full config.g.
If you have no fans defined, you probably don’t have anything to disable. The main point is to type the commands in directly to the Gcode console, to check they are working, before adding them to the config.g. Are you resetting the Duet each time you change the config? Or you can send M98 P"config.g" in the console, which will run the config, and also show up any errors.
Hi Ian, I’ve taken the lines out of the config.g and then entered them manually into the console, but still nothing
RE: Pwm output on Fan 0
@droftarts said in Pwm output on Fan 0:
@Sp00kie13 Which firmware version are you using? I'm assuming RRF 3.x due to the formatting of your M452 command.
I've just tested this, typing the commands into the console. First, I have a fan defined on fan0, so I had to disable it with
M950 P0 C"nil"
Then, I send the following, but make sure you use use straight quotes, not curly quotes (your text above has curly quotes, using them gives an error "Error: M452: string expected")
M452 C"!fan0" Q100
This should give the response "Laser mode selected" in the console. Inverting fan0 with "!" causes the fan to come on full power. You can't control it using M106; it's G1 moves that control the PWM amount. See the gcode dictionary I posted above.
Edit: also see
Thanks for the reply Ian
I assume I’m using the current version of the firmware as I did an upgrade on the board when I got it 2 week ago, so I presume it is RRF 3.x.
The reason I’m using a fan is just as a test, as all in need to know is off the terminal is putting out a signal before I try my laser
I’ve tried adding M950 P0 C"nil" To the config.g but this proved unsuccessful
I’ve also tried out putting to fan 1 and 2 without any success, although the fan did spin up momentarily on start up when connected to fan 1, but I’m assuming that this is because natively this terminal is programmed this way. -
Pwm output on Fan 0
Hi all
I’ve been asked to come here by E3D to see if you can help, I’m trying to output a pwm signal via Fan 0 on my Duet WiFi.
I’ve been using a 24v fan before I attach my laser But can’t get the pwm signal to fan 0 to start.
I’ve put this into my config.g file
M555 P2;set Marlin output mode
M452 C”!fan0” Q100 ; configure fanAnd I’m using M106 s255 commanding the console but But I cannot get the fan to spin up
I’ve checked the voltage readings From the pins on the board but there is no voltage change when a command is sent.
Thanks in advance for any heop
RE: Custom Web interface
@chrishamm thank you for the help. It looks like I have some studying to do while we can’t work
Custom Web interface
Hi all.
I’m currently using my duet WiFi with a Workbee cnc router. Ooznest have a custom web interface
This is fine but ide like to alter this as it is a bit basic for my needs, can anyone let me know how I can edit this, I’ve tried my usual web editing software but because of the structure it’s not working right.
Advice and documentation would be greatly appreciated
Help Needed setting up
Hi all
After a bit of guidance. I’m just starting out with a Duet 3D I’ve followed the instructions on their website and have go all the way up to web control interface, but when I try and connect through the web page, the board won’t connect. Have I missed something/ a step? It was 11:30 last night and was a bit stressed, si I can’t say exactly what I did.
Also, my machine is screw driven 1000x500 (Openbuilds Workbee 1050).I’ve looked in the sub folders of the firmware I downloaded from OOznest but I’m no sure if any of the folders in there will be ok to use on my machine ( except the 500x500 but I’d loose 500mm on my y axis) or how would I create my own?