Huh. I reflashed tehj firmware and it seems to be working now. Strange

Posts made by Tylerun
RE: Duet Maestro (Crane Quad) BLTouch Setup Issues
RE: Duet Maestro (Crane Quad) BLTouch Setup Issues
To have the height map. For "True Bed Leveling"
RE: Duet Maestro (Crane Quad) BLTouch Setup Issues
So even when down via my macro it should report 0? Just want to confirm as i had it trying to ram into the glass a bit ago. Also its homing via the z endstop which is what i want still. I have completed the g30 command.
Duet Maestro (Crane Quad) BLTouch Setup Issues
So, I have spent many hours reading other forum posts and I just cant get this to work. There is no override file at all on a crane quad. I have 5 volts to the BLTouch. Mod is working fine as the pin activates and moves up and down. I tested voltage on Probe in and its getting 4.5 volts when activated by the BLTouch. But, Web interface refuses to register anything above 0 for z probe. Just unsure what to do at this point. I am not looking to use this as my z. Just to get a mesh bed going for leveling purposes.
Hardware: Duet Maestro 1.0 (duetmaestro100)
Firmware Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 Maestro 2.05.1 (2020-02-09b1)
Duet Web Control 3.2.0-beta3
BL Touch V2Pin Down works fine M280 P64 S10
Pin Up works fine M280 P64 S90config.g
M558 P9 H5 F100 T2000 C64
G31 P25 X0 Y0 Z0