lol idk why i didnt think to just re apply the sd card files, worked right away. i must need a new one because i dont know what would cause files to just disappear from it, thakns m8. been too many times ive looked over the easy stuff.

Best posts made by zshoe
RE: after days of test prints the board wont respond this morning.
RE: board will not respond
ill be honest im not the most tech savy guy in the world but i know a little bit, i didnt eve know the device manage was a thing tbh, i always just see new devices pop up on the left side when youre in file explorer. thank you so much for pointing out that procedure, i read right over that and didnt even notice it was a link. ended up flashing the firmware back onto it and works great now, no idea how i erased the firmware but all fixed thanks so much.
Latest posts made by zshoe
RE: wifi not connecting
@phaedrux so i ended up getting into a really bad car accident on the 28th at 230 omw to work or i would have tried this much earlier but it seems like that worked thank you all for the help i really appreciate it.
RE: wifi not connecting
@phaedrux its still telling me duet wifi server.bin not found even tho i put it in the sys folder
when run m997 s1
RE: wifi not connecting
@phaedrux you say those firmware bin files should be in the sys folder huh? maybe thats my issue
RE: wifi not connecting
@phaedrux M997: Firmware binary "Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin" not found
now i get this -
RE: wifi not connecting
@zshoe that made me check something because i remembered that file being added specifically so i went back and pulled the sd card and now i see that theres a lot of files in this "www" folder and in the file i got from here for the new firmware it had it all as individual files idk how that happened but could that be an issue? i just pulled all the individual files out of that folder inlcuding the one that m997 said was missing and put them on the main part of the sd card and im going to see if that did anything rn
RE: wifi not connecting
@phaedrux WiFi module is idle
m997 s1
M997: File DuetWiFiServer.bin not found
ok -
RE: wifi not connecting
@phaedrux m587 S"Shoemaker" P""
M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list
Error retrieving WiFi status message: bad reply format version
WiFi module is idlei blocked out my password but i entered it in and i got this whenever i try to add my network again