Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet)
Just got my second Duet board (Wifi previously, now the Maestro), but I'm having some problems getting the ethernet connection to work.
I started off by connecting the Maestro to my switch/router, which worked well, but now I want to connect it to my PC directly. As I've seen in similar posts, it should work.
The PC is logged into my main network with an IP of 192.168.1.X and I configured the ethernet port to be IP and subnet mask
The Duet got IP:; subnet: Tried it with crossover or direct cables, but nothing seems to work. LEDs on the RJ45 connector aren't blinking either.Would be glad if anyone could put me into the right direction to set this up
@dcw259 said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
The PC is logged into my main network with an IP of 192.168.1.X and I configured the ethernet port to be IP and subnet mask
you have 2 network interfaces on your pc?
i take it a ping does not work?
just to check that there is not a routing problem can you turn the other interface off?
The PC has an ethernet port and also a wifi stick.
Pinging the Duet will just result in timeouts
Deactivating the Wifi doesn't change anything
@dcw259 said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
LEDs on the RJ45 connector aren't blinking either.
but LED(s) lights up?
Yes, as I said, it already works if I connect it to a switch
The only problem I have is that I can't get a direct ethernet connection, which is 99% just some software config issue.
Is there a proper write-up on how to do it in windows 10?
you'll need to give the maestro a static ip address.
Something like with a subnet mask of
Then give your pc a static ip address of with a subnet mask of
If you have to put in a gateway ip address, use you should be able to browse to the maestro using
I tried that before, but it didn't work (see first post)
Is there anything else I could try?
I'd proceed to confirm the settings using
route print
on windows, andM552
on the Maestro with the USB/serial console. Then maybe get Wireshark up and running to see what it can tell you. -
@dcw259 said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
...but now I want to connect it to my PC directly.
Because the PC is right next to the printer and I have no easy way to route an ethernet cable to the router. And since it should work just fine, I see no point in buying another switch/router to connect the Maestro to the PC.Tried a few things. The Maestro clearly works if directly connected to the switch.
The ethernet port on the PC also works when connected to the ethernet port of a wifi extender.
It's just the Maestro not talking to this PC, although all IPs and masks should be fine.
Windows 10 only says "ethernet cable not connected" when I plug it into the Maestro. I've been using the same cable for those tests, so it works too.
M552 says "Network is enabled, configured IP address:, actual IP address: ok"
The Maestro does not support Auto MDX so it might need a crossover cable, but it should be sufficient if the laptop support Auto MDX. However if the Meastro Ethernet LEDs light up but the computer says the cable is not connected I'd say investigate the computer end. Try forcing the Link Speed in the adapter settings?
@dcw259 said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
M552 says "Network is enabled, configured IP address:, actual IP address: ok"
That would imply your configuration for didn't stick, change PC or Duet accordingly after establishing the physical link.
I tried with crossover and standard cables. When connected to the PC, the port leds never light up, only when connected to the switch is fine. I changed it on both sides
Drivers on the pc are updated
How could I force a specific link speed and what should I set it too?
@bearer said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
but LED(s) lights up?
@dcw259 said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
Yes, as I said, it already works if I connect it to a switch
@dcw259 said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
When connected to the PC, the port leds never light up
Stop wasting my time patronizing me as if I don't know my networking... Good luck.
Not sure what got you upset. I never said you didn't know your stuff.
Was any info contradicting?
@droftarts said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
check you have not set a router/DNS/default gateway
wont affect communication to the same subnet as the host is on
@dcw259 said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
The ethernet port on the PC also works when connected to the ethernet port of a wifi extender.
Can you run the Duet plugged into this?
I can’t check your config.g at the moment, as on my phone with sleeping baby on me! And can’t open a .g file in iOS, or change file type. If you could post the text, or save with a txt ending, I can.
I’m writing the ‘alternative’ network connections wiki guide (Duet WiFi in access point mode, Duet Ethernet direct connection), so would be really good to get this cracked.
Other thoughts: firewall? Windows hosts file?
Edit: the weird thing is no Ethernet lights, like the adaptor in the PC is disabled.
@droftarts said in Duet Maestro won't connect to PC (Ethernet):
like the adaptor in the PC is disabled.
or like the combination of Maestro and Laptop fails to negotiate the link. forcing the right combination of link speed and MDI/MDX on the laptop will likely work