bulge after z seam when printing outer layer first
I set "extra prime amount" to 0.5mm3 for a quick first test, and it definitely under-extruded the seam. This is the first thing that has effected it at all, so I will see if this can dial it in.
The setting is in mm3 and I am trying to retract 1.5mm printing with 1.75 filament, so I I will try 0.18mm3 which should be about 10% of the volume.
have you try to print a cylinder in vasemodus? if not please do it and post the result
It is a plane Cartesian that moves the gantry in the Z axis.
How was the orientation on the bed?
I would print a cube, setting the seam to the middle of one side.
That would it make easier to relate to the axis. For me it looks more like slack or lose parts. -
I actually did try changing belt tension some. It looked at first to me like it was overshooting with the Y axis.
It was oriented with the seam facing the front of the Y axis.
I will try a cube as you suggested.
@SIam What would this help disambiguate? Would it indicate if it is over-extruding in general or just at certain points?
As the spiralized without prime looks good for me, why are you using prime?
the cylinder looks good so far
your extruder runs smooth without any clicking noise? -
It does make a soft noise when it is retracting, but i wouldn't describe it as clicking. More like gears turning.
Since I haven't had a Titan before, i wasn't sure what to expect from it. I have it set at:
400 jerk mm/min
5000 speed mm/min
2000 accDIY, i was testing prime in the regular print also, so I thought I would just point out the conditions of the two different tests.
Your jerk and acc is very low. On my BMG I use much higher values. -
What are your settings?
So I can know a range to start messing with. -
Depends on the size of the motor.
In you case I would take the values of Phaedrux. They were pretty similar to mine (Pancake BMG direct) Currently I'm back on a bowden setup with a bigger motor.
You also can increase your max. speed. The linked value is very high and only nessary for high speed printing. I would set that to 8000 mm/min -
From that base you can try to increase jerk. But at some point your extruder will start skipping. -
it's 1.8, but I think they are similar. 17hs08-1004s.
Thanks for the link, I missed him saying that in that thread.