3.01Beta Thermister Settings
Yep good guess
My values for H1 are equal. I have no deviation to room temp. -
@lodger said in 3.01Beta Thermister Settings:
Both my hot end (e3d)
are you sure its a genuine e3d. clones do not use the same thermistor
Wouldn't it make sense to measure the actual resistance of the sensor and use that figure ? There is nothing magic about 100000.
BTW, I had issues with my high temperatures being out by about ten degrees, I decided to just change my beta so I got the right temperature (I have an independent temperature gauge that is my reference) -
@Veti Yes she is a hemera so deffo genuine . I will take my fluke home from work and measure the resistance.
I used the setting from RFF 2 which have worked fine.. -
@lodger said in 3.01Beta Thermister Settings:
Hi DC ,
Thanks for the reply
Sensor 1 type Thermistor using pin e0temp, reading 36.0, last error: sensor not ready, T:100000.0 B:4725.0 C:7.06e-8 R:2200.0
Sensor 0 type Thermistor using pin bedtemp, reading 35.0, last error: sensor not ready, T:100000.0 B:4138.0 C:0.00e+0 R:2200.0
Its about 23c in here at the MO.
Those look correct for a Maestro.
Were you previously using different firmware, and were the readings OK then?
@lodger I've tested this on my Maestro:
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 Maestro 3.01-beta1+1 (2020-01-15b2)
In config.g: M308 S1 P”e1_temp” Y”thermistor” T100000 B4138 R2200
M308 S1: Sensor 1 type Thermistor using pin e1temp, reading 16.7, last error: success, T:100000.0 B:4138.0 C:0.00e+0 R:2200.0In config.g: M308 S1 P”e1_temp” Y”thermistor” T100000 B4138
M308 S1: Sensor 1 type Thermistor using pin e1temp, reading 17.2, last error: success, T:100000.0 B:4138.0 C:0.00e+0 R:2200.0So I'm not seeing an error here. RRF3 identifies the board as a Maestro, and sets R2200 itself. This is the value of the series resistor, which is part of the temperature sensing circuit. It's usually 4K7 ohms on Duet Wifi, and 2K2 ohms on Maestro. Your config.g doesn't have R2200 on the end of the M308 command. Sending M308 S1 P”e0temp” Y”thermistor” T100000 B4092 R2200 to a Duet 2 Wifi takes the temperature from 18C to 34C, which is pretty much what you're seeing.
Our theory is that you have a Maestro board with 4K7 series resistor. Try sending:
M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" B4138 C0 R4700
M308 S1 P"e0temp" Y"thermistor" B4725 C7.060000e-8 R4700What temperature does that report? If it's accurate, it probably means you have a cloned Maestro board with incorrect series resistor.
@lodger You can also check visually what series resistors are on the board, by reading the printing on the resistors. They are R21, R19, R35, R15.
Hi Ian .
Thanks for the help, I will have a look when i finnish work in a hour or so. I am prity sure I had R2200 in my 2.05 Config file .after all i only edited it to get my new 3.01 config . Again i will have a play later .
Thanks all for the help..
Just for info all 3 of my mastros was brought direct from yourselfs and are deffo not clones..... -
Sorry for the late reply been busy....
I final got round to having a look . But when i powered up the printer she was reading the correct temps.
I dont know what i was doing wrong and i have not changed anything but she is working fine again..So Big tnaks for every one help