Help: Temp Sensors and Homing Issues
X is at the Right, y is at the Left rear corner
; Endstops M574 X1 S1 P"!xstop"
That should be
; Endstops M574 X2 S1 P"!xstop"
Because your X endstop is at the high end of travel on the right side.
Change that and see if it works better after homing.
when i changed it from x1 to x2 motor direction went in opposite direction so i changed it back to x1
Should i change my "Z" endstop from x2 to x1 cause current tool postition read (x230, y210, z0) i think it should be 200 or 195
Failed to load filaments
Directory 0:/filaments not foundi was trying to setup a filaments list for PLA, ABS, PetG
@94118 said in Help: Temp Sensors and Homing Issues:
when i changed it from x1 to x2 motor direction went in opposite direction so i changed it back to x1
Leave it as X2, and change the direction of the X motor as well. You have S1, should be S0.
; Drives M569 P0 S0 ; physical drive 0 goes forwards
@94118 said in Help: Temp Sensors and Homing Issues:
Should i change my "Z" endstop from x2 to x1 cause current tool postition read (x230, y210, z0) i think it should be 200 or 195
No, When the nozzle is at the bed, it's at 0. When the bed or nozzle move away from each other, the Z axis increases position.
@94118 said in Help: Temp Sensors and Homing Issues:
Failed to load filaments
Directory 0:/filaments not foundi was trying to setup a filaments list for PLA, ABS, PetG
Put the SD card in your PC and create the filaments folder manually.
the Sd card from the duet 2 wifi board cause i do not have one for the panel
recommended steps per mm for PetG as that is currently the roll of filament i have on the printer
Is that a question?
Yes that is the question!
You'll need to calibrate the extruder.
Do you have a known starting value for the extruder typical for that printer/extruder?
Example shows an ender 3 i do not own an ender 3
Calibrating the extruder is the same process on every printer.
have calibrated my extruder here are my numbers.
- 311.82
- 336.82
- 306.82
- 339.82
- 281.82
they all seem inconsistent to me
Well it seems to be bouncing around a central value. Try starting with the average. 314.
You may need to do it several more times if your starting value wasn't very close to being correct.