Delta z height AC Predator
Thanks for your advice. Yeah when problems happen I clean the bed, check the carriages and if that does not work do the stock probe bit. Machine is second hand so who knows what it's been through! Do you have a link to toothed pulleys? I was thinking of getting them. The Gates belts are compatible with the stock belts.
Thanks again
Gary -
Thanks for the link.I still don't understand how config override has H456.513 as below
M665 L440.000:440.000:440.000 R224.891 H456.513 B185.0 X-0.442 Y-0.213 Z0.000And doing a Homdelta, (with it being edited to just home), the web interface shows z 456.42. Am I missing something?
Whats in your homedelta file?
Are you doing the home after any sort of probing or is this as soon as the machine is turned on? -
Soon as printer turned on. No probing. There's stuff edited out in there that needs deleting, but Homedelta below;; homedelta.g
; called to home all towers on a delta printer
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2 on Tue Feb 26 2019 21:31:01 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)G91 ; relative positioning
G1 S1 X490 Y490 Z490 F1800 ; move all towers to the high end stopping at the endstops(S1 checks for endstops) (first pass)
;G92 X0 Y0 ;force this to read 0,0
;G92 Z456.747;below 3 comment/uncomment
;G1 X-5 Y-5 Z-5 F1800 S2 ; go down a few mm GARYuncomment (S2 - Ignore endstops while moving. Also ignore if axis has not been homed.)
;G1 S1 X10 Y10 Z10 F360 ; move all towers up once more (second pass) GARYuncomment
;G1 Z-5 F6000 ; move down a few mm so that the nozzle can be centred GARYuncomment;G1 Z-10 F1800 ;need to move down for x0 y0 to complete
;G92 Z456.747G90 ; absolute positioning
;G1 X0 Y0 F1800 ;force to centre
;G92 Z456.747 -
Normal Homedelta below
Below obviously moves z height. It becomes 441.42; homedelta.g
; called to home all towers on a delta printer
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2 on Tue Feb 26 2019 21:31:01 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)G91 ; relative positioning
G1 S1 X490 Y490 Z490 F1800 ; move all towers to the high end stopping at the endstops(S1 checks for endstops) (first pass)
;below 3 comment/uncomment
G1 X-5 Y-5 Z-5 F1800 S2 ; go down a few mm GARYuncomment (S2 - Ignore endstops while moving. Also ignore if axis has not been homed.)
G1 S1 X10 Y10 Z10 F360 ; move all towers up once more (second pass) GARYuncomment
G1 Z-5 F6000 ; move down a few mm so that the nozzle can be centred GARYuncommentG1 Z-10 F1800 ;need to move down for x0 y0 to complete
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X0 Y0 F1800 ;force to centre
;G92 Z456.747 -
One thing I have noticed is your endstop adjustments in M666 are a lot larger than mine
M666 X0.081 Y0.238 Z-0.319 A0.00 B0.00
What 'S' value are you using at the end of your bed file?
I'm sure it's your bed file with S6 -
Try overriding the M665 and M666 values and then reprobe.
I.e. resend whats in config and then probe -
Yeah I did that before. I deleted config override and re-probed, but I've noticed that re-probing overwrites the M665 and M666 values in the override file. Worth another try though. When you said your endstop adjustments were smaller than mine by how much? -
I don't know how yours can be so different unless the original owner messed with the little metal flags on the top of the carriages.
The flags look/feel the same as my other stock machine. I'll need to get to the endstops as that's a huge difference.Just done another re-probe and similar results.
M665 L440.000:440.000:440.000 R224.513 H456.388 B185.0 X-0.646 Y-0.364 Z0.000
M666 X-6.930 Y3.322 Z3.607 A0.00 B0.00 -
I would investigate your X endstop then as its 10mm different to your Y and Z enstops
Yes. Got my finger under all of them and one is maybe a 0.5/1mm higher, not 10. Disassembly required. Never seen an endstop could it be upside down? -
I got the error " Warning: the height map was loaded when the current Z=0 datum was not determined probing. This may result in a height offset." Just wondered if the problem could be anything like the link below?
I can kind of see that having both a Z endstop switch and a Z probe could cause a problem, as the z tower is not the z height.
Mine Firmware is: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 2.04 (2019-11-01b1)Have you got the same firmware version?
I wouldn't worry about the message around the height map just yet.
If you're going to stick with RRF2 for the moment, I would be upgrading to 2.05.1
I'm on the latest RRF3.01 release and I use conditional gcode in my bed file.You need both a Z stop and a Z probe. The Z stop is set at the maximum end to signify its at the top of the tower. The firmware knows that the Z stop is for the Z tower and will treat it accordingly.
Will update the firmware. It was just a thought as X-6.790 and my probe offset of 5.52 gives 1.27mm which would correlate roughly to what I felt with my finger maybe. -
What do you mean your probe offset is 5.52? In your config, your Z probe offset is 17.656
Sorry I meant initial hot end paper touch before using probe. z=0 at this height.