Bltouch setup need help
@Elvis0z I have no more ideas.
Two things I found in my research:- often it was a wiring problem. Wrong wiring, wiring or connector broke or disturbance by heat or magnets
- on reddit was a report of a damaged charge of BLtouch 3.1. But you tried 2 BLtouch, I think probability is low for this reason
I have only one idea left: please recheck wiring and connections. And the other idea to find out the reason for the error message of M98 P"config.g".
If I have a new idea, I'll tell you.
Wiring for bltouch
Black wire is connected to white
Blue wire is connected to black -
@Elvis0z looks all ok.
@Elvis0z what you can try is the G30 has some options:
e.g. you could try the
G30 P0 X20 Y50 Z-99999
G30 S-1
and try to find out why Z is not moving with the G30 without parameters.I would run homeall to home X and Y and position in the middle of the bed, comment out the rest of homall and make the tests with G30 from the console input field.
Thanks for your help so far. Bit of a mystery
Does your Z axis move at all? Does it raise and lower slightly when you do home all?
If you send G92 Z100 to mark it as homed and at position 100mm, then send G91 for relative moves, and then G1 Z10 it should move up 10mm.
Once I did those commands it said that z was homed. But when I did home all it does the same thing as in the video.
Woohoo don't know what I did but it homed z when I did home all. As the command G92 z100 homed the z, I was able to calibrate the Zprobe trigger hight in the centre of the bed. Then there where a few errors
Error: Z probe was not triggered during probing move
Error: Homing failedSame stuff.
Then the bltouch was just blinking red led. I raised up the bed another 10mm and restarted the printer and the blinking stopped.
Tried G30 said that not enoght axis homed so homed x and y. Then did G30 and it deployed the probe and when down and retracted when touching the bed did this again and homed.Then I did a home all and woohoo it worked.
so I have not idea what went on but hey its working
Thanks for all the help getting my printer working. I really appreciate all the help you guys have given me. Next is to do bed leveling.
I have no idea what happened either, but glad it's working.
@Elvis0z I expect it will remain a mystery... but I am happy that it works for you now!