External SD Card reader with DuetWiFi
@dc42 thank you
Do you have some suggestions or links what to buy? I tried it with the sd card reader from the radds display but I want to use an sd cards reader without a display.Best regards
Cai -
I used this adapter on my kossel build as the position of the SD socket on the paneldue lcd was not in a good spot for how I mounted the lcd
SMAKN SD Card Reader Module Chip SD SPI Interface, SD Card Socket SD Card Reader Module https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VFH0YS0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_mkZ3Bb8YEVBXSI searched for arduino sd card to find sd card adapter boards instead of USB SD card readers. Do make sure the adapter you buy is 3.3v not 5v. I confirmed this one was when I received it prior to installing it.
I ended up using shielded cable to make the connection between the Duet wifi and the adapter to minimize the risk of noise on the lines as I had to run near the power supply in my printer and it's a bare power supply inside a custom 3d printer enclosure that holds the panel due.
Thank's guys, I will order this one from Amazon. That should work?
Best Regards
Cai -
@caijonas yeas it should do, just don't bother with the 5V pin
I could be wrong (I am out of the office so I can't easily check), but I am fairly sure you do need a 5V SD card adapter. The reason is that the SD card needs a 3.3V supply, and the CONN_SD card only provides 5V.
Hi all,
I've connected the SD Card reader using a 26 AWG ribbon cable and I'm happy to say that its working. I did up to 13 hr long prints. The cable is more than 1m long. The only problem I've noticed is when I started the print from DWC I couldn't pause it using paneldue. Paneldue seemed unresponsive. I only noticed it once. Haven't checked it again.
I also need to place an external card reader in a different place (near the Duet Wifi)
- should I use the 3.3v or 5v to power the card reader ?
- Why the card reader has 2 GND inputs ?
- Can someone please confirm that connections below are right, I want to be sure to not to damage the Duet board.
3.3v > 3.3v
MISO > SPI0_MISOthanks!
@paboman is this the connection that worked for you? i have the issue with the paneldue ribbon cable not long enough to be in the idea spot.
Old thread but dropping in to confirm the following works for me:SD > DUET
5v > 5v
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