Duet 3 6HC - Short to ground issue.
Is this issue resolved?
Do you have any ETA on resume of sale?
I need to order some boards! -
@aleohl We are working with our resellers to exchange boards with the fault. depending on where you are your local reseller may already have replacements boards.
This post is deleted! -
I am experiencing short to ground fault on all but driver output that I have tested. I purchased my board through Printed Solid and the Serial # is WD4159.
@wikipedia_Brown You will need to provide the SN of your board along with a copy of the results of the M122 command and send it to info@duet3d.com. They should confirm that it is to be replaced.
Once you have that confirmation from duet3d, send a message to support@printedsolid.com. Include the confirmation and then they will send you an RMA#.
I got a message from Dustin at Printed Solid today saying that they do not yet have replacement boards.
Hopefully soon.
@T3P3Tony, Can you tell us what vendors have the new corrected boards already?
3 boards here, no issues. 41030, 41115, 41xxx that I can't see the sticker as it is in a case, but was bought in April.
All running 24V, one on an upgraded Ender 3 Pro, one on a Railcore II 300ZL, one (latest) on a upgraded Tronxy X5SA-500 Pro.
Let me know if you need me to test something or inspect something on them.
@Thalios thanks - if they are working fine at 24V then no need to do anything.
I recently purchased a Duet 3 from Dold Mechantronik with the serial number WD41795. Have the not been notified about the faulty batch?
I haven't ordered any stepper motors or power supply yet. Is it possible to the the board without them? -
@nestea please can you email info@duet3d.com with the board serial number and the name of your supplier and when you purchased. Thanks.
Has this issue been resolved? Matter hackers is selling the 6HC again.
@TheFunVampire Yes. Anything for sale now would be corrected.
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