Help with modded qidi tech 1 starting print height
I have a qidi tech 1 that i have modded with a duet wifi and a nova hotend. I have been trying to get my print to start at the right height for hours. I need some assistance my fellow creators...
Have you tried using baby stepping to adjust your first layer?
Your configs show that you're using an endstop for Z and it sets the height of the z axis as Z0 when it triggers, but how far away from the bed is the nozzle actually?
@Phaedrux When i home its at the proper height but when i print it lifts up. i deleted my slicer script and just put g28 still isnt right. when i try to microstep down it doesnt respond to those commands for some reason.
Post your slicer start gcode as well.
So you're saying when you home Z the nozzle is touching the bed when the endstop triggers? no gap at all?
Well if it already thinks you're at 0 it won't let you go down any further. You can remove that limit by changing the M208 Z minima to a slightly negative value, like -1, so that you can baby step down a full mm before it stops you.
If you find you have to baby step down quite a bit then you should change the homing macro from G92 Z0 to G92 Z whatever amount of baby stepping you end up using.
@Phaedrux I deleted everything except G28
@Phaedrux i'm going to try the negative numbers and see what happens