duet3d sd not detected, rejects http, com5 denied
Im not unzipping it. I go to upload the file it fails.... upload file it fails...
upload the file it loads 1/17 then fails... upload again 2/17 then fails and eventually it loads all the files then updates. usually between files Im having to wait some time to try the next file or it doesn't work at all.
im working on the 3rd zip nowIm having more trouble with the 3rd then the first 2
I can only get it to 5 / 55 files before failing -
When and where did you purchase the Duet?
Uploading the zip files shouldn't be this painful. Could be SD card writing problem or it could be the wifi module.
i just got it a few days ago and i ordered it from matter hackers because the duet page was sold out. -
Did the last zip file finally upload successfully?
If you go to the general and machine specific tabs in the DWC what versions are shown for the firmware and web interface? 3.2?
Are you able to upload a sliced gcode file to the gcodes tab successfully?
No I still have not gotten it to load yet.
is there another way to do this ? maybe through YAT. it keeps saying network error.
I called the cable company and complained about my connection and they did some reset test that took several minutes, after that i was able to upload the 3rd file with no issue at all.
so what do i do next
Ok, so now you have reliable access to the web interface of the Duet?
You're now on 3.2?
You'll need a config file set to get going now.
Try and fill out the pages to the best of your knowledge. Ask if you have any questions.
At the end you'll be able to download a zip file with all of the config files. Do that and then upload that zip file to the system tab as well. After it reboots you can do some careful testing for motor movement, homing, heaters, fans, etc.
yes 3.2 is installed
@Phaedrux I have a ender 3 pro but I put a dual z motor on it. is there anything special i need to set up on the config?
I also have a upgraded heated-bed and use a 500c Nova hotend.
it came with a daughter board RTD 100 but im not sure how to hook it up. or what options to select in the config. -
Dual Z motors can either be used with the existing dual connector on the board with no special config needed, or if you want to use two separate drivers for each Z motor for lead screw leveling you can do that too, but will need to be added manually. See here: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Bed_levelling_using_multiple_independent_Z_motors
@radcad said in duet3d sd not detected, rejects http, com5 denied:
500c Nova hotend.
it came with a daughter board RTD 100I'm not sure what that is. Do you have any documentation for it? Or a link to it? Photo?
This is the hotend 500 C capable and claims to be unclogging
https://3dpassion.com/novaI currently have the second Z plugged into the second port. I don't need any special z movements.
This is the daughter board for the hotend that is 500c
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Connecting_PT100_temperature_sensors -
Then you don't need to do anything special for the Z axis. Just treat it as a single motor z axis.
For the PT100 you can choose the PT100 sensor in the config tool. (bottom of the sensor dropdown list)
the guy the makes the hot end said i need to but the safety shutoff for the hotend up 2 degrees how do i do that? I dont see a option for pt100.
@radcad said in duet3d sd not detected, rejects http, com5 denied:
I dont see a option for pt100.
Where are you looking?
Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 10.16.12 PM.png
@radcad said in duet3d sd not detected, rejects http, com5 denied:
the guy the makes the hot end said i need to but the safety shutoff for the hotend up 2 degrees how do i do that?
I'm not sure what you're saying.
@Phaedrux oh ok, now im not sure which to pick.
Which port on the daughter board are you using? RTD1 or RTD2? Those coincide with SPI.CS1 and SPI.CS2 in the drop down.
im not sure i havent wired it up yet -
Well those are your two options. RTD1 would be the most logical.
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/PT100_temperature_sensor_daughter_board -
@Phaedrux this one ?