Weird correlation between XY-motors, Z-probe and heaterports
Hi guys,
I'm in the process of rebuilding my XY-gantry and while I reconfigured everything step_by_step, I've noticed some odd behaviour from Duet2WiFi or RRF3.2.
The heaters weren't connected to the board, but the thermistors were. ( I wanted to run a drytest with cold extrusion)
The Z-probe was connected and working as before.
But every time I started to move X or Y axis, the Z-probe showed triggered. ( I could move the Z-axis with no problems)
I tried everything I could think off:- replacing the Z-probe,
- changing the input of Z-probe,
- moving the stepper- and probecables apart,
- changing the probe-definion in config.g
- connect the probe with/without Diode
The solution was to connect the heaters to the Duet! Suddenly everything worked as expected!
I spent a nice day, sorting that out, but I guess that's part of the hobby
What was the probe?
It's a Conductive probe (NPN & NO) I've used it before with little to no problems (except the temp-related failure in a heated chamber)
LJC18A3-B-Z/BX also works on wood and other materials.
Which is the reason, why I had it on my CNC as well.
(try DC42's mini IR probe on shiny metal, just for fun...)