Installing an Endstop on a RAM extruder.
Hello Everybody,
We are currently developping an Open source ceramic extruder compatible and optimized with Duet firmware, It would be perfect to have an endstop at the bottom of the cartridge in order to automatically control the refilling.
How would you proceed in order to add an endstop and to control E accordingly.
I though of a using the filament sensor capabilities or maybe some MetaCommands along with a custom sensor would do the job
What do you think ?
Currently the only extruder "endstop" type supported is stall detection. If that is not suitable then you would need to configure the extruder motor as both an extruder and an extra axis, so that you can command it like an axis with an endstop when refilling.
Thank you
@dc42 Hello As I can see it is possible to trigger the rehome.g file after the detection of a motor stall .
M915 Pnn Sn Fn Rn R parameter 3 = pause print, execute /sys/rehome/.g, and resume print
Is it possible to execute another .g file or just a macro ?
Thank you,
Tom -
What about this command
Why not use an external trigger?
@dc42 said in Installing an Endstop on a RAM extruder.:
need to configure the extruder motor as both an extruder and an extra axis,
How can I configure the extruder motor as an extra axis with endstop?
configure the extruder motor as both an extruder and an extra axis, so that you can command it like an axis with an endstop
M584 X0 Y1 Z2 U3 E3 P3
This defines driver 3 as an axis (U) and as an extruder. You need to add values for U to M350, M92 M566, M203, M201 and M906. Probably best to copy the values for the U axis from the E axis. Add an M574 line for the endstop on the U axis, eg
M574 U1 S1 P""
to config.gWhen you need to use the U axis, send
M584 P4
to show the U axis, home it, then hide it again withM584 P3
.It is probably better to start a new thread than resurrect a thread that is over 2 years old!