I tried to check the functionality of my endstops. In the Guide is said, that i can see the endstop status in the maschine specific tab, but i cant find this information nowhere. Is is still possbile to see their status ?
@d0minik96 said in Endstopstatus:
I tried to check the functionality of my endstops. In the Guide is said, that i can see the endstop status in the maschine specific tab, but i cant find this information nowhere. Is is still possbile to see their status ?
It depends on your firmware \ web control (DWC) version. What are you using
should be the newest! DWC 3
@d0minik96 said in Endstopstatus:
should be the newest! DWC 3
In which case, there is a plug in that seems to work well. Take a look at the second post down here (the one from Chrisham) and follow the link https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/22054/firmware-bundle-3-3beta2-released
I'm using DWC 3.2.2 not the beta Version and the plugin works only with 3.3beta2. Can i get an older Version of this plugin somewhere ? -
@d0minik96 this plugin was only just released. you should be safe running DWC 3.3beta2 with firmware 3.2.2
@d0minik96 Another trick I sometimes use is to put \reprap after the IP address. It depends on whether you have a very old version of DWC on your sd card, but those earlier versions had a nice way of showing the end stop status. I haven't tried that trick with the latest firmware so it might not work.
the trick did not work
Unfortunately. I tried the M119 command, but it does not show the state either:M119 Endstops - X: at min stop, Y: at min stop, Z: at min stop, Z probe: at min stop It looks like my Endstops are working( ENDSTOP LED switches on when in endstopposition) but the Homing does not work.
I read that it could be possible that the LED turns on but the board dont recognize low state since i use 5 V Endstops from the originall Artillery Genius, but i just read that some artillery users could use the endstops without any issues with 5V Supply on the board. I think i will just install the new DWC Version than and test the plugin. -
Photo of the endstops?
My config for it:; Endstops M574 X1 S1 P"xstop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on X via pin xstop M574 Y1 S1 P"ystop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on Y via pin ystop M574 Z1 S1 P"zstop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on Z via pin zstop I connected them just with the outer pins connected and the vcc goes to the 5V from the extensionadapter.
After installing the Plugin it says triggered yes and highend no. and does not change when endstop position is reached.
@d0minik96 said in Endstopstatus:
Artillery Genius
Is it possible to replace the endstops with something like a simple switch?
sadly i have nothing there. And atm i cant even check the sensors theirself to characterise their low and high voltage. But i will test it friday in my working labor.:)
Today i tested my endstops and it's kinda wierd.
So the Sensor is a Sunx GL-8H. Datasheet should be this one:
[https://ramcoi.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/Panasonic/GL/Panasonic_GL-8-8U_proxs.pdf](link url)
I tested the endstop seperate. When i supply the sensor with 5V. The output voltage between load and ground is 1.8V. If the endstop is hit it's 0V. So it should be a normally closed endstop right? But the OutputVoltage is kinda low. Even if i raise the Supplyvoltage to 10V the ouputvoltage stays the same. Not sure why this is so. I can imagine, that this low outputvoltage does not trigger an High in the board and this can be the reason, why my endstops are not working currently. Did i wire them wrong ?Analog to the wiring diagramm in the datasheet i use:
Brown V+
BLue Ground
Black X-stop -
looking at the circuit i think i need to connect my black wire to v+ aswell . if the transistor is triggered the whole v+ will drop over the transistor and i can measure this with the x stop pin
So connecting brown wire to v+ and xstop seems to be the way to go for me ??
Connect black to brown with a pull-up resistor.
The value is not critical, but it should be largish.
Anything larger than about 2,000 Ohms should work.Then you should see the output go from +5 when the endstop is not triggered and zero when it is triggered.
If you don't want to do that, you can connect the endstop output to the Duet and turn on the pull-up which is inside the microprocessor. That will work just as well.
Can you try enabling the pullup resistor on the pin by adding
to the pin name. ex:M574 X1 S1 P"^xstop"
I will try it tomorrow, for today i'm done xD
@Phaedrux Ok so i just wired up my y endstop again.
I changed the Setting to:
M574 Y1 S1 P"^ystop"
Than the plugin shows me: triggered yes, when i am not in endstop position and when im in endstop position it shows me Triggered no. So seems like it is a step in the right direction. But the interpretation of the signal is wrong.So i just changed it to active low:
M574 Y1 S0 P"^ystop"
Than my endstop shows me always triggered no, even if i am in the endstop position. You have any idea what is wrong ?
Leave the pullup enabled and set it active-low by adding "!^" to your pin configuration.
So active low is not set by S0 ?