Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring
I am about to fit BLTouch to my printer and find information which varies so just want to make sure i am doing this correctly.
My duet wifi board is 1.02 or later electronics firmare and 2.03 firmware with 1.22.6 DWC
I am wiring my probe as per (https://betrue3d.dk/bltouch-on-duet-wifi-configuratio-and-usage/) tutorial
Using Z PROBE IN and GND on Z probe connector for bltouch signal and gnd and +5V and Heater 7 on the expansion connector for bltouch vcc and servo
I will shrt 2 gnd's on bltouch as i dont have extra pins on my extruder harness.
i have setup my config.g as follows:
; Endstops
M574 X1 Y1 S1
M591 D0 P2 C4 S1
; BLTouch endstop
M574 Z1 S2; Z Probe
M558 P9 H5 F500 T4000 X0 Y0 Z1
G31 P25 Xxx Y0 Z0.0
M557 X10:405 Y5:395 S129
; BLTouch - Heaters
M307 H7 A-1 C-1 D-1I have created and uploaded deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g and uploaded to sys folder
My questions are:- do i need to use resistor, i believe i am getting newest version BLTouch?
- do i need I parameter in deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g files (as i read somewhere that they are not needed):
M280 P7 S10 I1
M280 P7 S90 I1
? - Do i need more or less parameters in M558 command if using P9 parameter instead of P5?
@Agniusm said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring:
following as I'm doing same installation too, but I have a duex5 and I'm using PWM5 channel for servo function (so for me it's P5 and not P9, and I prefer to run the M307 line before)
@Agniusm said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring:
- do i need to use resistor, i believe i am getting newest version BLTouch?
but... check your actual board version, printed on the Duet near the main microcontroller. If it’s 1.04, you’re fine. If it’s earlier, the BLTouch should work happily from 3.3V vcc rather than 5V (early ones didn’t).the current V3.1 BLTouch outputs 3.3V by default. No need for resistors or cut traces.- do i need I parameter in deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g files (as i read somewhere that they are not needed):
M280 P7 S10 I1
M280 P7 S90 I1
Important: In the M280 commands in the following, leave out the I1 parameter if the BLTouch is connected to a servo output on a DueX board.
- Do i need more or less parameters in M558 command if using P9 parameter instead of P5?
You should use M558 P9 for BLTouch and set F, H and T parameters. X, Y and Z are deprecated. Other parameters are optional, but can be useful, depending on application. See https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_M558_in_RepRapFirmware_2_x_and_earlier
@Eman74 said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring:
following as I'm doing same installation too, but I have a duex5 and I'm using PWM5 channel for servo function (so for me it's P5 and not P9, and I prefer to run the M307 line before)
Use M558 P9. Your M307 should be
H5, rather thanH7 (PWM5 is H7). Doesn’t matter where you put it in config.g, as it is not used until you run M280. Your M280 should beP5P7 and no I1 (outputs are inverted on Duex).Ian
@droftarts I actually followed all your recommendations, with no luck.
I'm a bit struggling here cause I double-checked the wiring, my bltouch is latst version and should support both 3.3v and 5v, I configured jumper for 3.3 logic and I'm using PWM5 but I cannot get the pin to deploy.
I'll keep trying but I'm starting to think I should upgrade to RRF3 to get better results... -
@droftarts I just got tired of banging my head and followed steps to upgrade to 3.2.2 ...wish me luck...
@Eman74 PWM5 is Heater 7. I think you need to disable heater to use that pin. In firware 3 i think you need to use M950.
P9 is for probe type. It was P5 mode some time ago but now duet has dedicated P9 for bltoucj. It has nothing to do with pwm5
I would check your deploy and retract g files for syntax. My probe is comming on monday. I just set up all to start testing right away -
@droftarts thanks. I will check board revision. I suppose then i can use 3.3V of the z probe connector!?
@Agniusm said in Duet Wifi BLTouch wiring:
I suppose then i can use 3.3V of the z probe connector!?
No, the BLtouch still needs 5v.
In case you wanted to update to RRF3...
If you still have access to DWC. Upload these 3 zip files, one at a time in the system tab. Don't extract them. Reboot after each. Use M115 to verify the firmware has been applied.
That will get your firmware and DWC up to date.You can see the change logs here:
https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/wiki/Changelog-RRF-3.xFor your config, might be a good idea to run through the configurator tool and generate a fresh set for RRF3.
https://configtool.reprapfirmware.org/StartBackup your existing config files in the sys folder in case you want to switch back to RRF3. IT’s easy to switch back and forth, just upload the zip file for the version you want and then upload your config files.
These documents will come in handy during the conversion.
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode -
@Eman74 apologies, @Agniusm is quite right, PWM5 is Heater7, so should be M307 H7 and M280 P7.
RRF 3.x defines things a bit differently, and you can define the actual name of the pin you want to use, eg duex.pwm5. But I recommend you use the configuration tool to take the pain out of changing your config. You can also generate a config for RRF 2.03, and just use the probe section and retractprobe.g and deployprobe.g macros.
Apologies too, to @Agniusm; @Phaedrux is correct, the BLTouch does need 5V vcc. I’m sure I’d read of people running them happily on 3.3V, but haven’t tested myself. The v3.1 BLTouch does output 3.3V (default) or 5V, so you don’t have to worry about resistors or cutting traces.
Oo f..ck, no matter, going to cut and recrimp my vcc wire for the third time
I'm in the middle of a BLTouch nightmare... and I keep banging my head over it...
My BLTouch is original latest version 3.1
I updated to RRF 3 (lost a lot of time to get all axis and endstop working but all seems good a part from the BLTouch)
here is my config.g related (deployprobe and retracct are standard..):
M574 Z1 S2 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on Z M558 P9 C"^zprobe.in" H5 F100 T3000 ; BLTouch connected to Z probe IN pin, free up MOD pin M950 S0 C"exp.heater7" ; servo/gpio 0 is Z probe MOD pin tried also duex.pwm5 and !exp.heater7 without success M280 P0 S10 ; send control signal to BLTouch through servo/gpio 0 G31 P25 X28 Y-61 Z0 ; BLTouch set offset M557 X50:350 Y50:350 S50 ; define mesh grid My Troubleshooting:
- Double-checked wiring and tested connectivity with a tester;
- verified jumper presence on duex 5
- verified led on heater7 is switched on when I start the system
- replaced BLTouch with another perfectly working on my cartesian printer with duet wifi and the behaviour is the same erroneous one, it does lights on and blink red without passing the switch-on test
- tried other heaters on the duex with same result...
NOTE: I have 3 Z motors configured and working on Drive 5:6:7 (M584 X0 Y1 Z5:6:7 E3)
Any help would be really appreciated I followed all documents but somewhere something is just not right and I know it shouldn't be a huge thing cause I tried with another surely working one and it does the same thing so it's a config matter somewhere...
@Eman74 probably best to start your own thread to keep things clear. It's hard to remember who said what about their setup.
What pin specifically are you using for the orange/yellow wire?
What Duet board?
@Phaedrux sure it's a duet wifi with a duex5 I'm going to start a thread thank you
@Phaedrux I just tried but it prevents me from posting new topics... it seems the same issue there was this morning...
@Eman74 Try again after a few minutes.
Received my probe today which came V3.1. My duet board is V1.02
All working good.
Wired as per tutorial:
Probe VCC to expansion slot 5V on Duet
Probe GND and Servo GND to Z Probe GND on duet
Probe Signal to Z_PROBE_IN on Duet
Probe Servo to expansion slot Heater7(PWM5) on Duet
Used all the code in the first post.
Thank you for help -
Just not to create another topic. I have this issue where after print, on the next print BLTouch does not deploy. I have to switch printer off, then back on for it to start working again. Is this a known issue or is there a fix for it?