Filament monitor troubleshooting
I've been using the threads here as a guide to setting up my sensor. It seems like it is reading it, however I'm getting a"Extruder 0 reports too little movement" Which I would expect if the filament ran out, but that's not the case.
Here the config g line I'm using:? M591 D0 P7 C"e0_stop" S1 R50:150 L5.2 E18.6
As you can see I've altered the R and L parameters a bit to see if I can tune it, but I'm not having much luck. It will print the skirt and a bit of the first layer, then the error. Any Ideas would be helpful.
@fart_plume Can you provide more details on which filament monitor is being used, and how it is mounted?
Also did you follow the instructions here to make sure you have the right parameters set for M591? -
@rkaronde It's the big tree tech rotating magnet type. It's mounted directly to my bondtech (clone) direct drive extruder. The sensor has no play as the machine is running. Other than the filament monitor the printer prints perfectly.
And yes I've read that guide and several threads here, which is how I got in working in the first place.(other than the current problem, which probably is something minor, that I'm over looking.) -
If it works generally, but just not detecting enough movement, I would say keep tuning.
@phaedrux this is the message I'm getting in the console:
M591 D0
Pulse-type filament monitor on pin e0stop, enabled, sensitivity 28.400mm/pulse, allowed movement 50% to 150%, check every 18.6mm, no data receivedI have no clue what is going on with this thing.
@fart_plume said in Filament monitor troubleshooting:
sensitivity 28.400mm/pulse, allowed movement 50% to 150%,
The BTT "Smart" runout sensor's sensitivity should be 7mm try this and see what you get:
M591 D0 P7 C"e0stop" L7 R50:200 E15 S1
also on a bondtech direct dive. Works a treat for me.
@nurgelrot said in Filament monitor troubleshooting:
M591 D0 P7 C"e0stop" L7 R50:200 E15 S1
still a no go this what I get on the console messages:
m591 d0
Pulse-type filament monitor on pin e0stop, enabled, sensitivity 7.000mm/pulse, allowed movement 50% to 200%, check every 15.0mm, no data received -
@fart_plume Right. That's correct. they only receive data during a print. should switch to :
Pulse-type filament monitor on pin, enabled, sensitivity 7.000mm/pulse, allowed movement 50% to 200%, check every 15.0mm, no calibration data while printing. I cant remember what condition they collect calibration data under... if in doubt cut the filament.
@nurgelrot , the problem is it is stopping a few seconds into the print. It keeps saying too little movement.
apparently it only collects data if you are printing from a SD card, which I don't.
finally got it working. Of all the stupid things(of course). Apparently someone at the factory was having a really bad day. The cable wiring wasn't even the way it was supposed to be for their own boards.
Long dash tracer to signal
x tracer to Vcc
no tracer Gnd -
@fart_plume Yeah you can pretty much never trust the wiring on 90% of anything in the 3d printing world. best just to trace everything out yourself. --Glade you go it fixed.
@nurgelrot Yeah me too, I was tempted to chuck it. good thing I'm stuborn. lol