to ground
The extruder motor has a connector and has been delivered with ready wiring with connectors installed.
making a mistake is not possible.
and indead always the same error: short to ground error for driver 3 -
The extruder motor has a connector and has been delivered with ready wiring with connectors installed.
making a mistake is not possible.If you think that, you'll find troubleshooting very difficult.
There is no standard for how stepper motors are wired even when they come from manufacturer with wires and connectors. Different boards have different pinouts. And believe it or not, mistakes can be made by the manufacturers themselves. The only way to be sure is to measure and identify the phases yourself.
so the problem followed the extrudermotor.
error message: short-to-ground reported by driver(s) 3Did the problem follow the extruder motor, or did it stay on driver 3? Which is it?
The problem did follow the extruder motor. The reported error was the same.
about wiring: it was working perfect for a long period. So the wiring cannot be the problem. -
When and where did you purchase your Duet?
Unit 35A, Monument Bus Pk
Chalgrove, Oxfordshire
OX44 7RW
United Kingdom -
@swanny Recently?
january 2020
about wiring: it was working perfect for a long period. So the wiring cannot be the problem.
Please don't assume that, particularly on wiring that is moving, ie going to an extruder drive mounted on moving axes. Over time the continual bending of the wire will fatigue and then break it. However, breaks may only happen in particular positions, which causes the fault to be intermittent. Look at points where the wiring is bending on one side, and stationary on the other, often where the wire goes into a crimp. If you've already replaced all the wiring, replace the motor (wiring can come adrift internally).
If the fault follows the motor and wiring, it's not the Duet, it's the motor or wiring. Moving wiring needs to be treated as consumable.
january 2020
Unfortunately out of warranty; warranty period is 1 year. See our warranty terms here:
- The europian warranty is 2 years.
- the wiring and extrudermotor have been replaced.
- so the story about shafing and bending is not in place.
- The same error (and thats coming from the duet) when switching the extruder motor happend.
- the motor stering from extruder one is connected to extruder 2 from the duet. causes motor 2 to fail so saying that it is the motor or motor wiring is false.
- If you sell in europe you have to follow the europian rules.
I like to here from you.
@swanny okay, reading the thread through carefully it does seem that it’s a driver problem rather than motor; it’s always driver 3 that reports the error. Unfortunately some of your answers confused this, but I think it’s just language!
From your config.g, it looks like you have spare drivers on your Duex. With power off, disconnect extruder drive from driver 3 (E0) and connect to driver 8 (E5) on Duex, then change M584 in config.g to:
M584 X0 Y1 Z2 C7 E8:4:5:6
Reset for changes to take effect. That should get you going again.Then please take a good, high resolution picture of both sides of the Duet board around the area of the driver, and post them here.
Regarding warranty, the European 2 year warranty is not a full warranty for 2 years. See
Most relevant answer is this one, which explains you are covered for manufacturing faults for 6 months, which we have extended to a year:I bought a phone just over a year ago, and it has stopped working. The trader refuses to fix it for free. Do I have a two-year legal guarantee?
The legal guarantee is valid for a period of two years throughout the EU. But there are certain conditions.
The legal guarantee covers any defects presumed to have existed at the time of delivery and which become apparent within a period of two years. However, the crucial period is the 6 months after you bought your product:
Any fault that appears within 6 months will be presumed to have existed at the time of delivery. The seller must then repair or replace your phone free of charge, or reimburse you if repair or replacement is impossible.
After 6 months, you can still hold the seller responsible for any defects up to the end of the two-year guarantee period. However, the seller can ask you to prove that the defect existed when your goods were delivered. This is often difficult, and you will may have to involve a technical expert.I assume that you have been using the Duet without problems for over a year?