Creality CR-10 upgrade
Is is a Duet WiFi that you have, or a different Duet e.g. Duet Ethernet?
It has 1.18.2 i think
I also have disabled network in config.g with M552 S1 with semicolon
BTW tried both YAT and pronterface with same outcome -
Did you send M997 S0:1 from DWC or from Pronterface?
From Pronterface, you can send M997 S1 and M997 S0 separately.
Sending M997 S1 returns:
>>>M997 S1
Invalid module number '1'
Sending M997 S0 returns:
>>>M997 S0
Error: Firmware binary "DuetEthernetFirmware.bin" not found
[ERROR] Error: Firmware binary "DuetEthernetFirmware.bin" not foundMaybe i am skipping some crucial steps? Working on win10 64bit.
I have not installed any drivers for the duetWifi -
Somehow you have installed DuetEthernetFirmware on your Duet WiFi. Is it definitely the Duet WiFi that you have - the board that has the WiFi module soldered on near on corner, with the antenna part overhanging the edge of the board? Or is it a Duet Ethernet, with a daughter board that carries the Ethernet socket?
Its deff wifi, i had it connected to my network
I have not installed it yet, i just got the board today and read that it is advisable to upgrade to the newest firmware so i tried
Got the files from here:
and i did dowload this file: DuetWiFiServer-1.19.bin -
How about if I rename duet WiFi to duet Ethernet and flash it then flash wifi module?
If you run M115 i think you will find that it reports itself as a Duet Ethernet, because somehow it is running DuetEthernetFirmware.
What you need to do now is download DuetWiFiFirmware-1.19.bin to /sys on the SD card. But then rename it to DuetEthernetFirmware.bin. Then you will be able to run M997 S0 to install it. When it has finished installing and rebooted after about a minute, you should be able to run M997 S1 to install the new WiFi firmware.
Edit: your post crossed with mine.
This error comes up:
[ERROR] Can't read from printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): call to ClearCommError failed -
Erased all then used SAM-BA to load wifi firmware and then M997 S0:1 worked. All upgraded.
P.S. I was wandering if there is Ad-hoc functionality? Or is there a way to avoid using router and connecting strait to duetwifi from tablet?
This error comes up:
[ERROR] Can't read from printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): call to ClearCommError failedThat's normal. The USB port is closed while the firmware is updated. You can reconnect about a minute later when the firmware update has completed.
Access point mode isn't working on the WiFi module with the current firmware.
I have made PanelDue 5" enclosure. Its fully enclosed to be mounted on 2020 extrusion with quick release(sort off). USB is inaccessible but easy altered:
My IR probe is about 5mm from the heat block, but I do have Kapton tape wrapped around the hotend as well as the back side of the probe. No issues.
thanks. mine probably be with e3d sock.
5mm is plenty, but put 2 layers of Kapton tape on the back as recommended in the fitting instructions, in case the heater block rotates, to prevent the back of the sensor board shorting against it.
I was scared and put 5 layers!
Thanks. I turned the probe around so all the components are on the cool side. I'll put some caption on it, good advice.
I just started wiring. I got some stranded 24awg utp cable. Would that be suficient for the motors? It is very convenient with 8 conductors inside:)