Heavy Duty Spindle on DuetWiFi
@jens55 said in Heavy Duty Spindle on DuetWiFi:
Edit: if you are only planning to control the VFD with a Duet than disregard my rambling .....
Still need some help..
@allsirius, unfortunately I am not the right person to give that help
@allsirius said in Heavy Duty Spindle on DuetWiFi:
So.., for now the only option if I want to stay with Duet is to change the spindle and VFD on something less aggressive.., like a Chinese 1500w one..?
I have no idea what you are trying to do here so I can't offer any advise
Currently I'm just looking for optimal milling solution without cutting tools changes ., Probably i going to add pellet extruder head in the future .. But mill I have to get first
Again, I have no idea what you are trying to achieve here but unless the milling head is toast, why would you want to change it. The same thing applies to the VFD - why would you change it if it is still good.
The pellet extruder remark just confuses me more because this is not a 3D printer. It seems that this thing is a CNC router so why would you hook a pellet extruder to it ??? I suppose if you need something to make large pieces of plastic that aren't very tall then this might make sense somehow. -
So I finally decided to search for that machine on the internet. It's a giant CNC router with a vacuum table and it can have multiple different heads such as a router, a tangential cutter, a rotary cutter. Looks like a fairly high end production machine. 6 foot by 10 feet ? Nice ... if you have the room which you seem to have.
Tell us more about what you want to do. Is the motion system complete and functioning? Are you thinking of replacing anything on the motion system ? Based on the size and the fact it's production equipment, it's probably got servos for motors and some sort of custom motion controller. Doing any sort of conversion to a Duet controller is not something that anyone here will be able to advise you on if that is where you are heading.
Again, I can only guess what you are actually asking .... -
You can easily control the speed of the spindle using the current VFD from a Duet board.
The VFD can be configured with 8 preset speeds, and you can select one of those eight speeds using three digital I/O pins on the Duet.
Look at PS1, PS2 and PS3 on page 19 and Table 10.
Table 11 says you should pull up each PSx input to 12 Volts DC and use a Duet I/O pin that is 12-Volt compatible to control these three speed selection.
Let us know how it goes, this is an interesting project.
@allsirius there's searchable examples out there for running external stepper drivers and VFD's with the Duet (I use external stepper drivers)... you'll have to match drivers to the the size of the motors, and get whater inputs the VFD controller needs. If you can manually set the VFD, the machine would still be useful (machine controlling it on/off is at least handy).
Thank you very much clearing it out., I'm going to go around this VFD and manual again with more deep research! And I will definitely update you guys about the progress. I've built many 3D Printers , few of them pretty big.. But now I've got a bigger challenge with A LOT of more power and torque =))
For the begining I want to make this thing work as is..
But why I actually brought this machine to my place., because I believe that with flexibility of macros in Duet and ways to easy attach more motors and sensors etc I can explore some new ways to create with this machine.
The plan is to extend the height of the bridge of X axis to about 1.5m (from 30cm) ,
to replace the spindle on much lighter one and to add pellet extruder.
I'm sure it's achievable task ! And it's definitely super cool project to do !
I already made one little cnc machine (1x1m) on Duet base , but the spindle there was much simpler Chinese 1000w version , which uses just potentiometer to adjust the speed.
So I going dig , read , and sleep with it for a few more days , to realise that I'm not going to make mistake with it..
@jens55 was 100% right about one thing.. it's a three phase, and 1000 times more power than any 3D printer))
Hope to back with some good news soon! Thanx @alankilian @theKM and @jens55 ! This is great, I'm already not alone in this project! -
Trying to connect my pnp metal detector 10-30v, using resistors, found output of 3-4v with multimeter, tried even 5v.
Connected 12v external power supply to Sensor Brown and Blue and 4v to duet Ystop of my cnc machine (as it described in wiki)
The led on the board is lighting, but when i send m119 command I'm receiving always NO signal or always ON signal if I'm changing the M574 from M574 Y1 S1 P"!ystop" to M574 Y1 S1 P"ystop".
Tried to connect the ground signal of 4v in parallel to duet, also no changes .
The led indication on duet is changing when I'm attaching the metal to the detector , but i don't see any changes in m119! Another metal detector I've tried didn't work at all. when i'm shortening the signal and +3.3v on duet I still see the feedback in M119, what is already makes me happy)) I don't want to go for regular normally open endstops for my cnc . Please help! Thank's for your support! Cheers!
The industry standard for VFD's is 0-10v for the full range of speeds. However, you may need to poke around in the menu of that one to see what it is set for, because some can permit setting other signal requirements.
I really like the Duet, and have purchased a handful for tabletop units that are not printers. However, a machine that large is going to have backlash, and Duet requires a g-code modifying script...and that script is going to modify destination values rather than desired locations, so it is a little more consfusing if you need to stop mid-part and make an adjustment.
My preference is to use LinuxCNC for larger machines. It is very proven, and setup is highly documented for these types of applications...and backlash compensation is built-in. In addition, the variety of screen layouts available are specifically designed for CNC control, rather than tiny printer adaptations.
Without doing something to compensate for that backlash, you will not be getting the best the machine is capable of.
Thank you!
I did few jobs already with the spindle working passively from the previous controller, all the rest did Duet. And I didn't have backlash problems.
Now I've replaced the spindle on the 3.5kw Chinese watercooled one.
And still have some setup to finish to control it from DWC.
The old 7kw spindle will wait for some more robust machine.
Thanks for answering!!