New firmware 1.20beta1
Thanks for the feedback. The only bug in 1.20 I have found so far is that if you issues the M21 or M22 command, it always reports Error in DWC even though the command succeeded. Will be fixed in next beta.
Maybe the g-code generated by your slicer repeats the wrong temperature.
What error screen?
What error screen?
Sorry should have specfic
The blue box in the camera feed box with the temp error.
Sliced in KISS using the same profile that I usually use and haven't seen this behavior before where it keeps on flashing every few seconds, but I'll check the slicer profile again to see if I changed anything -
My guess is that you have made a mistake with your slicer settings, and as a result the Gcode file is asking to set the bed temperature to 225C instead of the hot end temperature. Look for the M140 or M190 commands in the gcode file to check this.
Is this the Error bug in DWC ? It keeps flashing every 5 or 10 seconds. Seems to be printing fine, just repeating the error screen over and over.
Is your slicer generating M117 commands on layerchange? Or anything that is not a move? Because that sounds like the problem I have that you can see here:
Working great on the RailCore. No issues at all.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Beta 1 is turning out to be very stable.
I just switched to this release yesterday, and my 2 prints worked fine.
But I still have some AJAX errors (they have never been very frequent though).
I just switched to this release yesterday, and my 2 prints worked fine.
But I still have some AJAX errors (they have never been very frequent though).
Have you worked through ?
Yes, but I could not improve things.
As said, it does not occur very often; only during prints, but not on every print. It may be a external issue…
I may try to switch to the ESP-07S (once the warranty has expired ;)).
I've added an item to that wiki page about a possible correlation with the temperature of the Duet.
Well, I have 2 big 40mm fans blowing on the Duet/Duex, triggered when CPU rises above 45°C, as you do…
OK so temperature shouldn't be an issue, assuming you have calibrated the CPU temperature reading.
No, I didn't calibrate it! I have to do this…
If your uncalibrated CPU temperature under-reads a lot, then the Duet could still be getting quite warm.
Well, in fact, default reading was 13°C above real CPU temp. So, fans started running at 35°C instead of 45°C. So CPU temp is not the issue.
Hi David,
Is using the HW floating point beneficial to specific performance aspects at this point? Also, is this release including all of alpha 7 enhancements? -
In Chrome on Win10 x64 I can scroll down on pages (print status, gcode files, etc) but within a second or two (AJAX refresh?) it pops back to the top. 1.19 was the same where earlier versions did not.On a print I had going this morning, I was at 97% and slid the speed control from 100% to 112% and the board crashed/restarted. The print is still usable, just not done, but it was a functional part and the top doesn't matter really. At some point during that print, it had acquired a different IP address also which was interesting.