did I f*ck up?
Keep a backup of your config.g it's good practice.
I think I will
Thanks a lot again by the way, I don't know who you are, but I know I'd be lost without your help, the support from this forum continues to amaze me.
Alexander -
Isn't this something that's come up before? The macro is left over duet in-house testing and it removes the config as part of a procedure before being packed for sale? Or I'm just making that up completely
I don't know about that, but I'm pretty sure the macro wasn't there yesterday. Could be wrong, maybe I just didnt notice it.
New boards shouldn't have test macros anymore as far as I know. If there was a macro, it shouldn't have done anything like deleting the config.g.
I'm suffering same thing. I'm just getting to the end of commissioning. I sent a G0E1 to move the extruder. I got a warning that no tool selected. Then lost web connection and now cannot connect with serial either. Config.g and anything that looks like a backup is missing except the config.json. Firmware was updated earlier today. After placing a new config.g file on the SD card, still cannot connect. I'm assuming next step is try to reinstall the firmware to the SD?
@cryptosojourn said in did I f*ck up?:
I'm suffering same thing. I'm just getting to the end of commissioning. I sent a G0E1 to move the extruder. I got a warning that no tool selected. Then lost web connection and now cannot connect with serial either. Config.g and anything that looks like a backup is missing except the config.json. Firmware was updated earlier today. After placing a new config.g file on the SD card, still cannot connect. I'm assuming next step is try to reinstall the firmware to the SD?
It would be best to start a new thread for your issue. Please include as much information as you can. What type of board it is, when you got it, things you've tried etc.
@phaedrux I'm pretty sure I'm a victim of the macro mentioned in this thread. The first line deletes the config.g file followed by 4 or 5 other deleting and copying type operations. I'm calling it a smoking gun. That evening it was a [insert explicative here] smoking gun.
I recreated the file and put a new copy of firmware on the SD card and got going again.
@cryptosojourn Do you still have this macro?
I just picked up a Duet 3 Mini 5+ last week. It had the macro on it and of course I clicked it by accident. I had to redo all my setup from the previous day.
I commented out the macro after it bit me once. I got through all that and am running my first test print now.```
;test completed macro for mini 5+ v1.0 testing
;M30 "0:/sys/config.g"
;M30 "0:/sys/config.g.bak"
;M471 S"0:/sys/config_default.g" T"0:/sys/config.g" D1
;M30 "0:/macros/SETNETWORK14"
;M30 "0:/macros/SETNETWORK24"
;echo "Test macros deleted - restart" -
@geoffvr6 Thanks for that. Will check to see if that's still current or if you maybe got an older board.
@Phaedrux I have a V1.01
@geoffvr6 When and where did you purchase it?
@Phaedrux Amazon USA. Shipping label from 3DMakerWorld. Edit: Last week.
@geoffvr6 Thanks. It's likely that the board is either older stock from before the macros were removed during production, or an older SD card made it through.
Regardless, it's never a good idea to run an unknown macro or gcode file unless you know what it does. This is just common sense.