PID autotune of Volcano duration?
I am attempting to autotune one of my Volcano tools with:
M303 T2 S240
It runs through to phase 4 and starts the part with the fan on however this stage never seems to complete. I'm at about 40 minutes now and it's been in phase 4 for about 30 of that. I can clearly still see the temperature oscillating as expected, I'd guess it's done at least 15 cycles by now of that.
I'm on RRF 3.4.1 on an E3D ToolChanger with a Duet2 Wifi and Duex5. The standard E3D V6 hotends complete the tuning fine just the Volcano ones don't seem to complete in a reasonable amount of time. The heaters and thermistors are the same in all of the hotends.
I see other quite old threads on the forum where people seem to have had similar issues but they don't really contain any solutions (and were in much older RRF versions and it looks like the autotune has changed quite a bit.
How many cycles of heat up and cool down does it do? Or does it continue until it reaches some condition? Any ideas on how I can get it to complete?
@ardenpm 5 of the first phase and up to 25 of the second phase.
hang in there, it will finish -
@jay_s_uk Thanks, indeed, it did finally complete at 46 minutes, however with the following message.
Warning: heater behaviour was not consistent during tuning Auto tuning heater 3 completed after 3 idle and 30 tuning cycles in 2780 seconds. This heater needs the following M307 command: M307 H3 R1.311 K0.292:0.113 D8.03 E1.35 S1.00 B0 V24.1 Edit the M307 H3 command in config.g to match this. Omit the V parameter if the heater is not powered from VIN.
I'm wondering how to interpret this warning and whether the tuned values are still useful. I am confident the heaters themselves are fine, they came straight out of the V6 blocks into the Volcano ones.
@ardenpm i would ignore that for now. save the values, let your heater cool down and then try heating them up to your usual temp and see if they get there or if they fault. if they get there, all good, if they fault, more info about your setup will be required
@jay_s_uk Will see how I go. Interestingly I tuned my other Volcano tool just now and it completed in about 13 minutes without the warning (where as that one previously had given me issues as well). I'll see how it all goes once I have them all done and try to get them to temperature.
@ardenpm What were the tuning results from the one that worked? I wonder if the cooling fans are causing a problem for the ones that report errors?
@gloomyandy The working one gave me the following results:
M307 H4 R1.437 K0.290:0.173 D6.93 E1.35 S1.00 B0 V24.1
So the D value was a bit different but the others were pretty similar. Both have the same cooling arrangement though. I am wondering if I should pick up the tool though and move it into the normal location when tuning rather than leaving it docked (since RRF doesn't pick it up when tuning) to make it more realistic.
@ardenpm There is quite a big difference in the 2nd part of the K parameter (0.113 v 0.173) which I think means that the impact of the cooling fans is different for the two tools.
I think it would make sense to move the tool out of the dock, especially if your toolchanger is anything like mine with very little space around the fans (which I would guess will impact what they do).
@gloomyandy yep, I have exactly the same pain point with limited space on my Toolchanger. Those two tools are basically identical in terms of hardware so really they should presumably tune with similar results. I'll give it another go out in the open and see what happens.
Does the fan have much of an effect on the temperature when it's on? If not, then you could probably tune the heater as a heater rather than a tool, and it won't spend the time looking for the fan to drop the temp.
@phaedrux I think it has a fair impact but I haven't quantified it and I do have socks on the hotends so not as much as it would otherwise. Tuning as a heater is what I resorted to originally but circled back as I wanted to try accounting for the fans.
I'm going to try it with the tools in a more realistic position first and see how I go, if that is still giving me dramas I may revert to just tuning as a heater. I haven't seen the heaters fault in any case so the fans can't really have that much impact.
Re-tuned with the tools over the center of the bed. The two Volcano tools both gave me the inconsistent behavior warning this time (where as only one did last time). They gave me:
M307 H3 R1.312 K0.283:0.128 D7.94 E1.35 S1.00 B0 V24.1 M307 H4 R1.396 K0.290:0.166 D7.39 E1.35 S1.00 B0 V24.1 The second part of the K value is still fairly different between the two Volcano tools. At this stage I think I will go with what I have and wait and see if I hit any faults or other issues and come back to this when I have been printing with it more.