Toolboard 1LC in Heated Chamber
I just enclosed my printer and the first print i noticed the temperature of the toolboard 1LC was 77C when normally without the chamber it would be around 50C. for my Duet 3 Mini 5+ i actively cool the board so the temperature never gets above 44C. but the toolboard cannot have any cooling inside a chamber. does the MCU and stepper driver TMC2209 have high temp flags enabled on the 1LC? is it ok to perform in a heated chamber? i eventually want to go to higher chamber temps.
@RogerPodacter IIRC the toolboard is rated up to 85 degrees C before you start running into issues. Mine usually sits about 82 degrees in a chamber of around 55 degrees
@jay_s_uk thanks for the confirmation.
@RogerPodacter yes the temperature warning and temperature shutdown flags are active on the TOOL1LC. When using RRF 3.4 they generate events, which generate default warnings or trigger macros that you can define.
@dc42 perfect thanks. Duet has been really impressive with the functionality so far it seems well polished.