Strange Blobbing on Layer Change
@davidewen try retracting a little bit 0.85 or 0.90! Also reduce the retraction speed to something like 25 to 30
Jerk values are to high! -
So far the settings look good.
If you don't have stringing or other problems with blobs or similar, then the 0.8mm retraction path is probably OK. But it can change depending on the temperature and filament and then higher values would be more suitable, which could then go up to 1.5mm.That with the speed could reduce this gap at the Z-seam, as weed2all already wrote, 25-30 mm/s may be better values for you.
If these changes don't bring any improvements, you could enter something under "Extra length on restart". Step up there by 0.1mm.
This option of "Extra length on restart" is rarely used.Google Translate
-- Original Text --Soweit sehen die Einstellungen gut aus.
Wenn Du kein Stringing hast oder sonstige Probleme mit Kleckse o.ä., dann sind die 0.8mm Rückzugsweg wohl OK. Es kann sich aber je nach Temperatur und Filament ändern und dann wären höhere Werte besser geeignet die dann gerne mal bis 1.5mm gehen könnten.Das mit der Geschwindigkeit könnte diesen Spalt an der Z-Naht verringern, wie weed2all bereits schrieb sind 25-30 mm/s gegebenenfalls bessere Werte für Dich.
Sollten diese Änderungen keine Verbesserungen bringen, dann könntest Du bei "Extralänge bei Neustart" etwas eintragen. Dort Schrittweise mit 0.1mm herangehen.
Diese Option der "Extralänge bei Neustart" wird eher selten genutzt. -
@davidewen said in Strange Blobbing on Layer Change:
I've increased jerk in PrusaSlicer to the following;
X: 32
Y: 32
Z: 32
E: 20Where did you change that?
I assume that's in mm/s?
Does prusa slicer now allow per move jerk settings as well as acceleration? I didn't think so.
Is your prusa slicer set to RepRap gcode flavour?
Can you share a sliced gcode file?
Your config file still has the limits set very low, so unless your slicer is actually sending M566/M203/M201 commands to change the limits during a print you are being limited by the config.g
Does prusa slicer now allow per move jerk settings as well as acceleration? I didn't think so.
The PrusaSlicer has its own jerk setting (mm/s), maximum acceleration (mm/s²) and maximum feed (mm/s)
for each axis. -
@Norder said in Strange Blobbing on Layer Change:
The PrusaSlicer has its own jerk setting
Where? You mean in the machine limits?
Yes, exactly.
But it is clear that the upper limit is determined by the config.g. -
Yes, I made those changes in PrusaSlicer.
Are you suggesting that I make the changes in config.g?
And if so, is that command M566?My current M566 is not labeled "jerk" so I just want to confirm.
M566 X1500.00 Y1500.00 Z600.00 E120.00 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) M203 X12000.00 Y12000.00 Z600.00 E2100.00 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min) M201 X1500.00 Y1500.00 Z500.00 E250.00 ; set accelerations (mm/s^2) -
Yes, maximum instantaneous speed changes is often called jerk.
Got it. Do you have some recommendations from my current settings?
@davidewen Try these
M566 X1500.00 Y1500.00 Z600.00 E3000 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) M203 X12000.00 Y12000.00 Z600.00 E6000 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min) M201 X1500.00 Y1500.00 Z500.00 E3000 ; set accelerations (mm/s^2) -
Thanks for the info. This has helped a lot. Seam is still there, but greatly improved.
I will play around with these settings to see if I can get it to almost perfect.Cheers!
@davidewen said in Strange Blobbing on Layer Change:
Seam is still there, but greatly improved.
Have you tune pressure advance yet? That's the remaining piece of the puzzle.