Short-to-ground on drivers
OK??? New board has arrived (Thanks for the great customer support)
But it might be user error (or the stepper motors?)
I've, re wired the new board (Couldn't see any wiring issues).
Then on the new board: Homing on all axis works but when I go to print the get a similar error?
Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 4
Error: Over temperature shutdown on drivers 4
20:20:00Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 1
Error: Over temperature shutdown on drivers 1
20:19:43Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 4
Error: Over temperature shutdown on drivers 4I don't get why homing and moving the motors by the interface works but as soon as i go to print this happens?
This error started after months off error free printing??
Selected Config Lines if that helps:
M584 X3 Y2 Z0:1 E4
M906 X800 Y800 Z800 E300 I30
The machine Properties don't appear to match my config (Assuming I'm reading this correctly?):
The error is being reported on driver 4 which you have configured as an extruder. That driver won't be enabled until you first do some extrusion or retraction. That's why it's not being reported until you start printing.
Could it be that you have a short between one of the motor windings and the case of the motor?
Thanks, I'll change that motor tomorrow…
BTW, I can heat it up and extrude manually.
Everything works from the web interface? -
I'm now getting the error on driver 1 on a quick test before stopping for the night
22:48:53Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 1
Error: Over temperature shutdown on drivers 1
22:48:28Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 1
Error: Over temperature shutdown on drivers 1
22:47:56Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 1
Error: Over temperature shutdown on drivers 1I'll triple check the wiring and look at swapping the motors tomorrow
Why would the manual movements and extrusion work but not during a print? (Looks like its not a duet fault, but Its driving me mad!)
Why would the manual movements and extrusion work but not during a print? (Looks like its not a duet fault, but Its driving me mad!)You have driver 1 mapped to Z so X Y and E moves don't use that driver but when you are printing, there will be Z movement. Have you tried a manual Z move?
OK??? New board has arrived (Thanks for the great customer support)
But it might be user error (or the stepper motors?)
I've, re wired the new board (Couldn't see any wiring issues).
Then on the new board: Homing on all axis works but when I go to print the get a similar error?
Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 4
Error: Over temperature shutdown on drivers 4
20:20:00Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 1
Error: Over temperature shutdown on drivers 1
20:19:43Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 4
Error: Over temperature shutdown on drivers 4I don't get why homing and moving the motors by the interface works but as soon as i go to print this happens?
This error started after months off error free printing??
Do you have anything connected to the Duet expansion connector?
What power supply voltage are you using?
Why would the manual movements and extrusion work but not during a print? (Looks like its not a duet fault, but Its driving me mad!)You have driver 1 mapped to Z so X Y and E moves don't use that driver but when you are printing, there will be Z movement. Have you tried a manual Z move?
Yes Z moves fine with the Web GUI. I can even do the full bed compensation routine, but the short-to-ground error happens as soon as I try to print.
Current thoughts are around issues with the stepper motors
Will switch the Z back to one driver
Tripple check the wiring
Then look at swapping the steppers outOther thoughts include the PSU, when monitoring the compensation routine late last night the voltage dropped to 11v at one point (I've not noticed it fluctuate before)
Yes it could be the PSU. The stepper drivers shut down if the voltage falls below about 10V. Please run M122 and see what the count of "Under voltage events" is. Note, this counter is reset to zero after you run M122.
Thanks - I'll move the PSU test up the list. (I've got a spare I can swap over easily tonight)
It might encourage me to make the 24v switch I've been planning for a while…
(Thanks again for the continued support) -
I am getting the same with 20beta1, looks like false errors to me.
Think I've got a different issue (Prob a hardware related diagnosis now?)
I can't print, the stepper motor go haywire when a print starts.
I'll undertake tests this evening, but my money is on the PSU.
Nothing changed in my set up - I finished a 4 hour print, tried to start another and the errors started (The PSU is now the most likely cause) -
I am getting the same with 20beta1, looks like false errors to me.
Please try beta 6 - the driver monitoring code works differently now.
Swapped the PSU (taken out a 30A/300W and temporarily replaced by a 17A/200W I had spare)
The Vin is stable in the new PSU (It was fluctuating in the old one) and a test print is running fine.
Thanks for the help diagnosing the issue (And the great customer support from think3dprint3d)
A new 400W PSU has been installed and my short to ground errors appear to have vanished
DC, thanks for helping locate the issue and solve the problem.