I found relief for JST-ZH wiring pain
If you need to make cables for the CAN-FD connections and don't want to solder or crimp ZH connections, I found that JST has an alternative for the cable end. They're the ZR connector.
These allow you to insert all of the wires at once without having to strip the insulation. Just insert and crimp, and all of the connections are made via IDC connection.
I've not known what this connector type was called, but after googling, I found it.
Digi-Key has them in the US, I'm sure they're readily available elsewhere..
@gnydick Have you found the crimper that works with this connector? I'd like to redo my wiring and this would make it so much cleaner.
@Sindarius They are IDC slots, which cut the insulation and make contact with the copper wire as you push the the wire in. I expect most IDC tools (aka punch down tool) will work:
@droftarts I would imagine small screw drivers would work in a pinch?
I ordered some along with some other items I needed from digikey. Hopefully will be here by end of week.
@gnydick yes, probably. Though in the past, when wiring Ethernet wall sockets, I know I’ve messed up doing it with a screwdriver!
I bought some ethernet connectors a little while ago (inserts for a wall plate) and they actually came with a small punch down tool for each connector. I think the tool was plastic.
@Sindarius Let me know how it works out for you.
@gnydick I will, should be here on Thursday
@gnydick So they showed up just a little bit ago (late) and in testing them out I had some trouble with the cheap punch tool that I bought to test with. Wasn't having much success with it. Took a small flat head and pushed the wires in just to see if I could get them in. Shredded the connector a little bit but I do have continuity across the wires and I can give it a decent tug and it doesn't let go. I am going to investigate and see if I can find a better tool to punch the wires in.
Picture not for the feint of heart! I'd probably still take this over soldering the pigtails on the 1LC.
@Sindarius thanks so much. That's not actually that bad. Magnified that much it looks much worse than it is
There is a proper crimper but it's anywhere from $400 to $1000. Which is just crazy.
I bet if you just took a very small screw driver and notched the center of it, it'd work.
@gnydick I pulled down the step file and am going to see if I can design a simple tool to push it in
@gnydick Went ahead and did the other end and wired it up. worked like a champ. Only took a couple minutes to get everything put together. Great find! going to finish redoing the wiring on the rest of my toolboards.
@Sindarius awesome. I'm so glad we have a working solution.
@Sindarius now we're talking!
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