@Garth_42 Are you using the DuetPi image ?
What doessudo find / -name pip3
returns (in a terminal on the SBC) ? -
@Falcounet thanks for getting back to me. I am using the DuetPi image.
Here is the result when I SSH into the RPI as the root account.
@Garth_42 Not sure why pip3 is installed at a different location as you are using the DuetPi image.
You have to change the pip path in the DSF config which is stored at/opt/dsf/conf/plugins.json
This command should do the trick :
sed -i -e 's|"InstallPythonPackageCommand": .*,|"InstallPythonPackageCommand": "/usr/local/bin/pip3",|g' /opt/dsf/conf/plugins.json
Then reboot the SBC and try to install the plugin again.
@Falcounet Any update available, for use the plugin in newest beta RRF 3.5.0-b1
@CrazyCreator No, it seems there is an issue with the plugin installation (related to the SBC permissions required by the plugin) so I'm waiting Christian to come back from holidays.
@Falcounet Ahh ... Ok ... Then we wait together
@Falcounet thanks for this. I am not sure either, as I haven't done anything at the command line on the RPI that would have modified my pip installation. It installed and is working now! Thank you very much.
I found your v_0.3 on GitHub ... But when i try to Install, i see no PopUp with Installroutine. -
@CrazyCreator That version is still for 3.4 and it installs fine here.
I thought it was already for the latest 3.5... Because you just released it.Is there a beta version to test?
@CrazyCreator The issue has been fixed in DWC 3.5b2 so I will release a beta version for 3.5 only when 3.5b2 will be released.
ExecOnMcode v0.4 has been released.
This version is still for 3.4 versions of DWC, starting from 3.4.5.Changes :
- Append m-code parameters as command arguments (Thanks @brendon !)
- Remove the flush option (Custom G-Code should always flush the code channel)
- Use the DWC connector to make HTTP request
- File architecture has been changed so the build_plugin script also bundles dsf and sd files
A little side info:
If try to install the new version from github (the 0.4) ... Only for test as well.I move the zip-file with drag&drop to the Button (Install Plugin) in DWC ... but nothing.
I know is the wrong version, i wrote only for info. -
@CrazyCreator As said earlier, there is an issue related to the plugin permissions in 3.5b1 and it will be fixed in 3.5b2.
There is no point trying to install the plugin targeting version 3.4.5 in version 3.5 of DWC. -
i know ... just for infoAll fine
It is not possible to install it in 3.4.6?
Thank you. -
@scumdead I released a new version with fixed version dependencies so it installs fine on DWC 3.4.6.
Thanks for reporting the problem. -
@Falcounet does this plugin support 3.5? running into issues with the new bookworm build.
ExecOnMcode v0.6 has been released.
This version now supports DWC 3.5