Managing Spam accounts
For reference, updated forum rules below:
Forum Rules:
- Be respectful: everyone is here to learn, help and contribute.
- No personal attacks: discuss an issue rather than attacking the person.
- No spamming: this will get you banned immediately. - See the SPAM section below.
- You must verify your email address in order to get access to full posting/reply/uploading images functionality.
Changes/Additions to Rules:
We reserve the right to expand on or change the rules as we grow.Breaking the rules:
Generally we will warn you before banning you. Repeated offences will lead to banning.
Breaking SPAM rules will lead to immediate deletion of your profile and SPAM content.SPAM
Spam is unacceptable on this forum, if you are not sure what you are about to post is SPAM then ask one of the moderators or administrators. Spamming includes SPAM in your user profile and chat messages. Some non exhaustive examples of what we consider SPAM- Off-topic posts with links to external websites. We have an "off topic" category and discussing off topic matters there is fine, just don't use that as an excuse to link out to stuff in order to drive traffic there.
- Links in user profiles to commercial websites. The exception to that is Duet resellers and OEMs. Hobby or personal websites are normally ok for active users. If you register, do not engage on the forum and have a link in your profile you will potentially fall foul of the SPAM filters.
- Descriptions in profiles that are spam or SEO related
- Posts or links to products/service websites, that while may be 3d printing/cnc etc related (and so not necessarily off topic) are clearly there to drive traffic to that website and not for discussion. The exceptions to this are Duet3D resellers or OEMs. If in doubt, ask.
@T3P3Tony said in Managing Spam accounts:
Please also keep flagging spam posts or profiles when you see them in case they are missed by an administrator.
undefined Phaedrux pinned this topic
@T3P3Tony Quod licet jovi ā¦
ā¦ non licet bovi:
So I'm unable to flag but my own posts? -
@infiniteloop said in Managing Spam accounts:
not sure if I am Jupiter...It might be because my account is an admin account can you see if you have an option on a "normal" user account?
@T3P3Tony, yes there is a 'flag this post' option in normal accounts/
@T3P3Tony said in Managing Spam accounts:
It might be because my account is an admin account can you see if you have an option on a "normal" user account?
Yes, as an admin, your jovi menu has 10 options, whereas I have 5 entries in the menu on my own posts, including "Flag this post". However, on your posts, I just can "Bookmark" and "Copy Permalink" - so no "Flag" option for bovi
Luckily, I found out that I can flag postings of mere mortals like @jens55 - sorry Jens, don't panic -
@infiniteloop eeeeiiiiiiiiiiii ....
@T3P3Tony Hi I am a new user and have registered account. I tried to post a new topic and it went to spam. How do I proceed to letting me post to the forum.
@Willo47 yeah the system can be a bit oversensitive. a few of us have upvotes this post that should help. also if you avoid links in your first post or two that helps.
@T3P3Tony It's even more strange because the account isn't new and has several posts already.
undefined droftarts referenced this topic
undefined droftarts referenced this topic